Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Not much going on.

Not to much going on lately here. I got to Sub all day yesterday for my cousin Sarah. She teaches 4th grade. it was a good day. She had all the stuff out for me w/ great instructions and her kids were really good. They sure like to talk but they were good. I don't know why but I get soo tired by the end of the day of subbing. it's not like i'm chopping wood all day or something lol. I think I need to start taking vitamins again. maybe that would help. I took the kids to school today, shelbie had a Turkey project for school and I knew it'd never make it there riding the bus lol So I took them in. I got a few groceries and Billy suprised me in walmart. :) ahhh. he was getting his hunting liscense. So he walked around the store with me. I swear just seeing him makes my heart skip a beat. I Love him so much. now i'm home trying to get some laundry done. I bought some lysol and i'm going to spray my Whole house with it! Billys sick with a cold or soemthing and Sam now has a runny nose and cough. I don't want the sickies to go around here like at school. what I would really Really love to do is lay down and take a nap. Thank God tomorrow is Saturday. I'm praying the kids will let me sleep in. I could use the extra sleep. shelbie was so tired the other day that she fell asleep at 7:30! I was so worried that she was getting sick but she's fine. :) Plus she slept All night. The sleep sure helped her surley attitutde that next morning. She was in a great mood. she's usually hateful and grumpy! Billy bribed shelbie and Sam w/ $6.00 to be good this week. LOL I don't even care. It's working and I'm sooo glad. no fights this week and they are both in great moods. I told Billy to give them $6.00 next week too. lol. Hey if it works. lmbo!
I'm praying hard for all my friends too.
Jen (EC) I'm praying Especially hard for you sweetie. I know that God has a baby out there Just for you. Don't give us hope.
Jen (VM) i'm praying for all the sickes to leave ya'lls house soon sweetie and everyone feel better fast.
And all my other friends out there (becky, elaina, Tanya, michelle, brid, etc.. I'm praying for ya'll too. HUGS


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Three words for you:

I. Love. You.

You are the best girl. I know how hard this time of year is for you and yet you still add us to your prayers...thank you doll!

7:50 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Jen sweetie you are Always in my prayers. You have been there for me through So much and never ever let me down. You are one of the most wonderful people i've ever known. And I want so much for you to get that sweet baby in your arms asap. Love ya too!!

2:34 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly, Thank you your prayers are working I think we are all getting better.
I think subbing is different for your evryday so thats why your tired, I know I would be. Plus be careful you might be trying to come down witht he sickies yourself.
I love what you said about billy I got a lump in my throat!

5:57 AM

Blogger Elaina said...

I love you too. You are so sweet, loving and caring. I'm so lucky to count you as a friend.

8:12 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Love ya too Elaina! But I"M the blessed one!

4:22 PM


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