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Thursday, October 26, 2006

What a Great Parent~ Teacher Conferance.

All I can say is that I Thank God our kids are Smart. lol. I honestly don't know where they get it. ha ha . I mean i'm no dummy but i'm not a smarty either. Billy IS Smart so I guess they get it from him.
Billy and I went to the conferances alone. I know imagine that. A L O N E.
Wow! The kids Really wanted to go but they had been fighting and hurting each other All dang day so I called Granny and she said she'd keep em' for us. Yah! Shelbies appt time was at 5:15 but we got an early start so we had time to go to Sams first. They didn't have a certain time to go to his, just drop in. I Really like his teacher for the most part. She's a Real stickler for the rules though. Man! No breaks for the kids at all. I mean if Sam forgets to have me sign his agenda book he gets in trouble. Whatever! But anyway our boy did Fantastic! He got:
Language: A
Reading: B
Science: A
Math: A
Visual Arts: A
Social Studies: A
P.E.: A
Whooo Hooo!!
She said he's Very close to an A in Reading. But he got nervous during the verbal testing. But that she Knew that he was alot more advanced then what that test showed. I'm just so Stinking proud of him.

Shelbie did So great too! They really don't give "Grades" in Kindergarten. Just S's E's and U's Satisfactory, Excellents and UNsatisfactory.
She got all S's! She's at and even Above where she should be in all the areas! Whoo hooo! The only real things we need to work on are recongizing some letters and writing in Lower case instead of all UPPER case. and her speech. We need to keep working on her saying her S's correctly and her F's too. We're trying but she's a stubborn tute!
It was a great conferance and it was so nice to get to spend a few hours with Billy alone.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

whoooo hooo congrats!

8:34 AM

Blogger Tanya said...

Way to go SAM and Shellbie!!

1:17 PM


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