Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day

Today is Pregnancy and Infant loss awareness day. Kinda the day when everyone remembers their babies they've lost. Funny thing is that I don't need a Special day for that. And the women I know that have lost babies don't either. So I guess it's kinda for the rest of the world to remember kwim? Billy thinks that I should "Be over it and move on" Ummm nope! He back tracked pretty fast after he said that because of the look on my face. I told him that losing our baby is not something that I will Ever get over. I think of him Every Single Solitary day. Sometimes I go outside at night and look up at the stars. I like to imagine that he's looking down at me at the very same time and I talk to him. In my mind mostly because Billy doesn't understand. A friend explained something to her Dh and told me and It explains so much. they lost a baby a while back and they have a 3 year old Daughter and a 7 year old son. She asked him that would he expect her to get over the death of her 3 year old FAST just because she was Younger? Just because they lost their baby inUtero doesn't mean that it didn't count as a baby! Just because they never got to hold him/ her or see him/ her Does Not mean that it wasn't a Baby and doesn't mean that it shouldn't be mourned and it's loss felt! Why Why Why do people who've never had to lose a baby (and even some who have) think that it's like snapping your fingers and you're Over the loss of your baby? Why?! It doesn't work like that. I Still hurt. It's almost been a Year since we lost Zachary and I Still hurt. I have a Permant Ache in my heart. It never goes away. It eases some at times but Never disapears all the way. I know that it never will. I Miss him SO much. I Ache to see him. My Arms Ache to hold him. Just once. Though I know that once would never be enough. I wonder alot who he would have looked like. Sam or shelbie? Why did my baby have to be sick and die when I tried Everything in my power to keep him healthy and safe? Why? That is something I Still wrestle with. How come teenage girls who don't give a Shit about their babies and never see a Dr and never take Prenatal vitamins and eat Shit and drink alcholol have healthy babies? why? I know I'll never get to know why. I Know that God had a reason. It doesn't keep me from wondering though.
Gosh I guess this awareness day was a day for me to get Pissed or something. Like I need a day for that. ..

I pray for Peace and comfort for Every one of my Dear friends and friends i've not met yet who has lost a baby. May God give us strength everyday.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I too think of all of the angels everyday.

Honey...I think of Zach and my angel when I look at the stars. I think of my future baby's soul too. I think that the Moon Mother is holding them all safe until we can see them again one day.

5:33 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly my heart still aches for you, I have never endured your pain but I can't imagine ever stopping not having a piece of my heart gone. I just can't... I am sorry that there are insensitve people out there, but forget about them, and know that you have many arms wrapped around you in love, whethere it be in real life or by love through the mile of the earth. I love you hon.

7:18 AM

Blogger Elaina said...

You made me cry. I love you. It's still hard after all these years.

8:43 AM

Blogger Michelle said...

I still mourn my baby too, even though I never saw him/her. I cry on the babies due date, I cry when I just sit & think about it. My heart will always ache for the baby that went to live with Jesus. I know one day I will see my sweet angel again & that makes it just a little better. ;)

9:10 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

I'm so thankful that I have ya'll that understand. It's such a blessing. Thank you so much. I DO feel the hugs and Love

9:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its been 8 years since I lost my baby, and while the pain has mostly gone I still feel the loss. It is a part of us. A part of who we are from now on.

Big hugs to you my friend.


11:11 AM


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