Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

10 months

This is just for my memories I guess but I know that some people ( Love ya'll) read my blog. Please Please don't take this as whining.
It's been 10 months since we lost Zachary. I can't believe it's almost been a year since our baby died. 10 months since I almost died. Why does it seem like So long ago and at the same time just like yesterday? The pain has lessend some but it's always still there. In the back of my mind And in my heart. No one in my family has brought it up. At the bingo party last night my friend Shellys Aunt Sue talked to me about our loss. She's the first person in months that has. She lost her daughter Tara a few weeks before we lost zach. Tara had Downs and became very sick and was in the hospital. She never got better and never left the hospital. She was such a sweet girl. Her mom and step Dad keep her room Exactly the same as when she left. I feel so badly for them. They miss her so much. But she knows the pain of loss and she understands. it's nice to get to talk to someone IRL that understands. most people think when you lose a baby you should just "Get over it" you know time has gone by. They think that the loss and Pain has just evaporated. I'm sorry it doesn't! It'll Always be with me. Forever. Zachary should be here with us right now! He should be 4 months old! I don't understand it and I know I never will.
Mommy Loves you So much Zachary. To the moon and back.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I actually thought the same thing you did: "How can it seem like so long ago and yet just like yesterday". Pain and sorrow work in a funny way like that.

You are right...Zach SHOULD be here....{{love and hugs and understanding}}

5:08 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks Jen. Love you!!

4:04 PM

Blogger Elaina said...

It's so hard. I know there are times when I stop and think that I could have an 11 year old now. I wonder, would he be long and lanky like his dad, have blue eyes or brown...I just think. Sometimes in my dreams I can still see him. I don't think that you ever really get over losing a child. I'm sorry if I'm not offering much hope. I wish I could say that the pain will stop but it does lessen.

2:16 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thank you Elaina. HUGS

10:48 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I can't even imagine what your pain is, but I am always here for you HUGS

6:24 AM


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