Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

BIG meeting today

Well there is a BIG meeting today at Billys work. The Big wig from Indiana is coming down to talk to everyone. I'm Really curious And nervous to see what happens and for Billy to come home and tell me what the Dude said. I've been praying so hard for Gods will to be done. I've been thinking about it and I hate for Billy to pass up the opportunity to possibly work for the Gas company But I hate for him to leave his job now IF it's going to get better. It's so hard right now. He's been there 19 years. That's a Long time. He's got wonderful dear friends there and when things are 'Good" he really likes his job. I just feel so bad for him to have to go through all this. Things are so up in the air. No one knows What is going to happen. I just Pray So hard that the big wig is honest with everyone and tells them Really what is going on. They Really need the honesty down there. Yikes i'm so nervous i'm shaking.
Please God let your will be done.


Blogger Michelle said...

Shelly, praying for you guys sweety. Hope things turn out the way you want & for God's will to be done. big hugs!

4:29 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

what did billy have to say?

5:55 PM


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