Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, August 21, 2006

My baby Girl Started Kindergarten and sweet boy started 4th grade.

Today my baby Girl started Kindergarten. And my Sweet boy started 4th Grade. I can't believe that this day has finally come. :(
Shelbie has been So excited for a long time. Today she did Incredibly great! We took Sam to his class first. Poor kiddo was so nervous for his sister. What a great big brother he is! :) I took her to her class and we walked right in and the teacher told us to put her back pack in her cubbie. so I showed her where it was and then the Teacher asked shelbie if she wanted to go over to the carpet and watch a math video with a little girl named jesse. So shelbie said Yes and we walked over to the carpet. I figured this was my cue to leave so I told shelbie Bye and that I'd pick her up off the bus after school. So shelbie said " Ok mom see ya later" I gave her a kiss and hug and she started to walk to the carpet and I just stood there like an idiot. I was frozen. Shelbie looked at me like I was nuts lol. So I hugged her again and gave her another kiss and said "Bye" and she sat down and started watching the video and didn't even look at me again. :(
Ok part of me Was :( but a Bigger part of me was and still is SoOO Thankful that she didn't cry or anything. So I left. I made it to the truck and down the road some (Going the wrong way!) before I started Bawling like a baby! I felt like a Piece of me was missing. Shelbie has been my shadow for So long. Always 1 step behind me all the time. And now that piece of me is not here at home. She's at School. I have gotten used to Sam being at school. Because he's in 4th grade. But it was still hard for me to leave him too. :(
He had a stomach ache this morning. He admitted that he was a little scared. I told him it was normal to be a little scared and that Everything was going to be ok. he seemed fine when I left him at school. And i've prayed All day that he had a Fantastic day. Shelbie too.
I can't Wait till they get home. I want to hear all about their day. I've missed them Sooooo much. The house seems and feels so empty and way to quiet.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

awwwww how sweet, how bitter sweet for you. I hope you start to enjoy your alone time.

1:11 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

awwwww how sweet, how bitter sweet for you. I hope you start to enjoy your alone time.

1:11 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Oh Shelly...what a great mom you are. You have taught your kids to be independant and strong. It is a wonderful thing for them. But at times like this, it is sucky for you.

Be sad for awhile...then jump and down and run thru the house in your underwear and enjoy your ME time!

2:36 PM


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