Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Substitute Teacher Training today.

Well today was the Annual Substitute Teacher Training. There was a Big turn out! They had the training for the subs who want to do high school this morning but since I don't want to do high school I only went to the Intermediate and Primary school training. It was really good. They went more in depth this year and talked alot about more things that actually pretain to Subs. Last year they showed a video about subbing that would work more toward subs in a Big City like in california or new york etc.. It just didn't help me any.
This year a few more Teachers talked and a Substitute who's been there a few years like me stood up and talked about what to do when X happens etc.. I think it was a lot more helpful for the people who'd never subbed before.
I signed up to sub Everyday! K-4th grade. I just hope and Pray that I can sub as much as I can. we Really need the extra $$


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I hope you get lots of subbing jobs, Sorry that they are still messing with billys job. Has he heard anything about the other one yet?

6:29 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

Nope Jen Not a thing yet. I've been as Glued to the phone as I can waiting for a phone call from them. I need to call my cousins DH who works out there, he's the one who told us about the job so I need to see if he knows anything yet.

11:54 AM

Blogger Elaina said...

Good luck! Hope you get lots of subbing jobs

8:22 PM


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