Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Some Good news for a Change

Well Billys work had the lay off Yesterday! It was supposed to be a meeting today but nope the managers had it yesterday instead! 45 people got laid off. :(
My heart breaks for those people. And too i'm Praising God that Billy wasn't one of them. They did change his hours agian though. He's now working Mon-Fri 8 hours a day 40 hours a week. Which does mean a bit more money BUT... It means he'll be driving Everyday and that means his old truck will suck even more gas then it does now! Which means that more $$ will be going out for Gas. Arrgghh It's a vicious cycle. He's Still worried about a possible new job though. Poor guys been in the same job for 19 years today! It's hard to change jobs anyway but when you've been at the same place fro so long it's even harder. I just want him to be in a job where they treat you right and now screw around with your hours and pay all the time. We'll see if he even gets an interview with that company or not. It's in Gods hands.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

19 years WOW! what does he make at the plant?
I pray that "that job" what ever it may be comes. I understand how to pray that prayer ;)

4:30 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

Wow, I can understand the anxiety of moving from a job after 19 yrs. I would be a bit stressed too. Praying that a job comes around that will fit him perfectly & that he'll get the respect & stability he needs. :)

6:25 AM


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