Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I'm Home

I'm so glad to be home from our vacation but i'm going to miss being at the lake too. We had such a great time. We went to my grandpas 90th B-day party Sunday after Church and then we headed back home and got stuff together and headed to the lake. It seems like it took Forever to get everything together and get there. So we Finally get to our camping site and start setting up. Thank God everything worked great on the camper. Last year the Air cond didn't want to work to well but Billy found out that it was because a Dirt dober had built a big nest in it and as soon as he got rid of that it worked great.
Sunday night we played cards w/ my cousin lisa and her DH T and my other cousin K and his wife lisa. Yep gets confusing. lol. We played Phase 10 card game it's So much fun but omg my family gets Very competitive! No one likes to lose! lol. I think we didn't get in bed till around 1:00 am. Then monday we got up around 9:00 am or so and we all started makeing plans for the day. We decided to go out on the boats. We had 2 pontoon boats and my Dads bass boat. With us all we had 27 people! We all went and rode the boats around and headed to "The rock' The Rock is a HUGE Rock on the shore of the lake that we Love to jump off of. It's HUGELY out of the water. I can't even tell you how high it is but let's just say it's VERY high. Nose bleed high lol. I jumped 1 time and that was it for me. It about killed my ears because you go So deep in the water your ears pop. Well at least mine did. and After last years Triple ear infection I didn't want to get to much water in my ears.
Sam was a little Stunt man though, he jumped off that rock Over and Over again. Not the least bit scared at all. Of course Everyone who jumped had life jackets on. It was so much fun.
We went out on the boats everyday. and went to the rock everyday.
Thursday was a Miserable day though. It got So H O T! It got up to 107 degrees! It was so sickening. everyone stayed in the campers as much as we could to stay cool. We watched movies alot and played cards.
I was just so thankful to God that BIlly had a good time. He almost went home monday afternoon because he was so worried about $$ that he thought about going home and working tuesday and wednesday and then coming back to the lake Wed night. But he decided that he didn't want to after all. It means that Billy won't get a Pay check at ALL next week. NO money at all. :( makes me sick. but I know we'll be Ok. we've got plenty of food etc.. so we're fine.
I was ready to come home yesterday. So ready. I'm just tired. Tired of using a camper bathroom where my knees almost touch the shower stall in front of me. Tried of sleeping in a bed that my head almost touched the head board when my Feet touch the foot board! I'm 5'4 and Billy is 6'1 so you can guess how good he slept lol. Poor guy. Now comes the fun part * note the scarsam* doing all the laundry. It took for what seemed like Forever just to get everything out of the camper. It's funny becuase i've got so much stuff left over. I was so worried about not having enough food and snacks for the kids and Billy and I but we had More then enough. so now the kids have plenty of snacks for next week. Yeah!
We got Billys first Check yesterday from his new hours and O M G it is next to nothing! a LOT less then before. Just makes me So mad and sick
My cousin K works where Billy does and he was talking about the situation out there the other night when we were playing cards it depressed me so bad. I was in tears. his hours didn't get cut because he's in a differant dept then Billy. He was saying something about the rumor going around about them closing the plant for 2 weeks soon. And about the plant closing for Good soon. I know that God has it all in control and i'm trying so hard not to worry but it's hard not to. Especially when we don't know if he's going to have a job next week or 2 days from now.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

i am just happy that you are home safe and sound!
UHMMM I do think that you all should move and we will move and our men can get jobs at good places and we will be rich!

12:35 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Sounds GREAT Jen! Let's do it!!

1:34 PM


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