Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Turning off our Satelite

I'm going to call friday or Saturday and Turn it all off. It's a luxury that we can't afford anymore. I Hate to! Oh so so so badly but we pay around $60.00 a Month or so for it. yikes! That's money I could use for groceries or something else. We've had it since Sam was 1 so about 8 years. I'm spoiled for sure. Especailly on Saturday and sundays at home when all that is on regular TV is sports. Yuck! i'm not a big sports fan unless it's Razorback sports lol. The kids are Really going to hate this. They are so used to watching Tv whenever they want. Oh well they have movies. They'll get used to it and so will I.. Right?
I'm hoping that as soon as I start working either F/T or subbing we can get it back. Gosh I hate this.

I also found out that Billy is only getting paid for 36 hours a week NOT the 40 I thought he was getting paid. I just cried! I don't know what we're going to do. Wait yes I do . Leave it to God and we'll be Ok.


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