Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, July 07, 2006

CRAP! They Cut Billys work Hours!

Dang it! I'm so ticked off! I Hate the company BIlly works for! Hate it!!!
Months ago there were rumors going around about them Cutting everyones hours but they had a meeting w/ everyone and Told them they weren't going to do it. Then BAM yesterday they did! Instead of Billy working 12 hour shifts 2 days on 3 off and then vice versa he's only going to be working Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays! 12 hours but i'm not sure if they will be only paying him for 36 hours or 40! I'm just sick. Just when things were going SO much better for us $$ wise! Now I know though the reason we couldn't find a Car we really wanted, God didn't want us to get one. He knew this was going to happen. Thank you God. Because if we did have a car payment we'd Really be screwed! I'm also so Thankful to God that we don't have any credit card payments etc. Praise God. Billy seems to be Ok w/ it. I mean he's Not happy that they cut his hours but Thank God he's not depressed. I was Really worried about that. He can get Very moody about stuff like that. Plus he can work for his friend D on his days off. I still have No idea what is going on with the job I applied for. I've not gotten any calls from them yet. This would be such a blessing if I could get this job. $$ wise. I'm trying so hard to leave it in God's hands on whether I get it or not. I know I can Sub as much as I can or at least as much as they will call me at least. I could proably get a job just about anywhere but I Need one where I can be off with the kids since I don't have anyone who can watch the kids when they're off school.
I just wish that Billy could find a better job. But there are only so many jobs out there that he'd qualify for.
Please God let them change Back to 12 hour shifts soon. Please.


Blogger Michelle said...

what does he do? Would you guys ever considering moving from the area to find a better job? Praying for you sweety

8:22 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly I am sorry I know that this is alway beenhanging over your guys head. at least now you can move on and deal with it and he will hopefully have the extra side jobs that will make up for it.

7:39 AM


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