Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Had a Great 4th Of July

Yesterday was so much fun. We went to our community 4th of july party during the day and my MILs that night.
The community had horseshoe pitching tournament and kids games. We used to have these Years ago but they quit having them for some reason. So this year was the first time in years. They were a bit unorganized but that was ok. I think next year will be alot better. I know a couple of women who were over the kids games are going to do it alot differant next year and I may help them with that. Billy came in 4th place in the horseshoe pitching. He would have done better but he hadn't had much time to practice. He likes it though and had fun.
That night we had supper at my Inlaws and My BIL and his Friend came and brought his friends niece and nephew and another friend. We had a great supper and then shot off a LOT of fireworks. it was Awsome! Jas bought about $150.00 worth of fireworks and we had almost $40.00 worth. Jas's friend is an ametur photograhpher and he took Lots of pictures of the kids and everyone and some Fantastic pictures of the fireworks. He's supposed to send me some via Email .I can't wait to see them all.
We had such a great time. But boy i'm Still tired today. lol.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Sounds like fun! does your town do fire works as well?
UHMMM ya know i will want to see those pictures right?

7:26 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Nah they didn't do Fireworks this year. IN the years past they did and it was Great. I guess since it's the first year starting it back up they didn't have the extra $$ I'll show you the pics as soon as I get em.

11:39 AM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Glad you had fun!

7:16 AM


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