Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Our Yard Sale Sucked!

I am sooo Tired! I got up at 5:00 am and then got the kids up and dressed and headed down to Billys Aunts house for the Yard sale. I had the Bunk bed in the back of the truck and I decided that I wanted to go ahead and sell the kids Play house too. :( It's the cutest Log cabin playhouse by little tikes and they had so much fun in it when they were smaller but over the last year they've not wanted to play in it. It's like giving up a small piece of their baby hood. :(
So we get down there and set that stuff up and we already had a Yard saler there at 5:30! Talk about a bit to early! But that's ok. he bought a few things from Auntie. From then till about 12:00 we had a few customers. It was hit and miss. I think Auntie made around $75.00 or so and I only made....... Get this..... $ 7.20! Yep a Whole Whopping $7.20! Didn't even pay for the freaking Ad I put in the paper! But Billys Aunt paid me for that :)
We decided that we're going to have another yard sale next saturday at a near by town. There is a place right on the main highway that people have yard sales and it Usually does really good. Our Church has had 2 Sales there and done Really great. Billys Uncle asked the Owner there if we could have our sale there next Sat and she was all for it! Yeah! I'm Praying sooo hard that we do Fantasic there. I Seriously need to get rid of this stuff. Billy is irritated that it takes up so much space in the storage building but i'm not about to just give away or Throw away a Like New Bunk bed, changing table, stroller and Play house! My MIL said that if I would sell her stuff at the yard sale this coming Sat that she would take care of the kids for me. Sounds like a Great trade to me. Lol Sam and shelbie were both soooo bored today.
But on a Great note there was a yard sale at the house right across from Billys Aunts and O M G she had Awsome clothes for 25 CENTS! I got Abercrombie & Fitch tops for a Quarter! Ebay here I come! lol
I got Sam a few nice shirts too. 2 With the Tags still on them! Wow! I paid a Dollar for those but Heck the price Tag on them was for $15.95 and $ 12.95!
Can't beat that with a stick. lol.
So all my stuff except for the bed and play house is still down at Billys Aunts house. They have a Huge trailer that we put all the stuff on and that way Billys Uncle can just pull it over to the new yard sale site and we can go from there.
I'm Really hopeing that this works and I can 1) Get rid of a Bunch of stuff and 2) Make some extra Money. That would be so great.


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