Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ever heard " Paying for your Raising?"

I figure it's a southern thing. lol But that is Exactly what i'm doing with Shelbie. OMG that kid is a Pistol!
Last night while we were shooting off fireworks Other people where shooting them off around us too. Some Behind us about 3 houses away and some beside us about 5 houses away. Well shelbie got to thinking that we were having a Contest with the other people over who had the best fireworks. They would shoot some pretty ones off and my Sweet little girl would YELL " OH yeah, Well we can do better than that Buddy! We'll kick your heineys" So we'd shoot some off and then she'd yell " Take that You stinking People!! See we beat you" Everyone in our family was Rolling laughing so hard!! I am positive that the other people couldnt' hear h er but OMG I was laughing so hard. She was just so sure that we were having a contest and we were going to win, no matter What! LOL


Blogger Michelle said...

LOL...crack me up!! You've got your hands full!

6:58 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

nope never heard of it called that but I sure do alot of praying over here for my babies they are all handfuls as well.
Sounds like Shelb was having a blast! Nice to have comic relief!

7:28 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...


7:17 AM


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