Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Up After Midnight!

Shelbie that is! That little toot would Not go to sleep for anything last night. I gave her a shower because she had been outside playing and got filthy! Well she got mad because I made her take her shower when she really wanted to watch a movie. she's gotten Way to good at throwing fits and getting Very mouthy lately! She refused to be still in the shower and kept yelling at me that she hated me so she got a little swat on the butt! Got her attention anyway.
After her shower I put her to bed and let her watch TV for a little bit. That seems to be the only way to get her to sleep in her own bed. well last night it didn't work. Nothing did! I thought she was going to be awake all night! we finally just gave up and put her in Our bed. It still took her over 30 min to go to sleep. I don't know what her problem was. she wanted to sleep late this morning but Sams therapist was supposed to come at 9:00 am so I made shelbie and Sam both get up at 7:30 am. I hope this will make her sleep tonight.
Sams therapist ended up calling and canceling todays appt. She thought that her son had Strep throat. Sams had a Great week so it's ok that she canceled. Thank you God. Man I need a Nap right now. *yawn*


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Tay was up to about midight I had her lay with me as well. she gotup this morn and asked to go back to bed she did but came down and said se couldn't sleep. I am hoping for an early night here as well. Good luck I hope she goes to bed at 8 pm for you ;)

12:58 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

You too sweetie. I didn't let shelbie go back to sleep. She asked me to lay down w/ her this afternoon on My bed but I wouldn't let her. I was afraid that she'd go to sleep and then I'd Really be up with her agian tonight!

4:01 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

She is turning into a night owl huh? She is going to have to be homeschooled if she can't get up in the morning for school LOL...

7:18 AM

Blogger Michelle said...

what is up w/the kids right now? Jess is doing the same thing! But, she'll get up & play in her room after she's gone to bed. I've never had this problem before. Good luck tonight! BTW, go check out my blog. ;)

1:56 PM


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