Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Yikes, I've been Tagged! Thanks Michelle

I've been tagged...some fun!This is from another blogger who tagged me to do it! At the end, I am going to tag three more bloggers to do it.
THREE THINGS THAT SCARE ME: 1. Losing my Children and Billy, 2) Snakes! 3) Heights!
THREE PEOPLE WHO MAKE ME LAUGH: 1: Billy, Shelbie and Sam
THREE THINGS I LOVE: 1) God 2) Billy 3) My Kids!!
THREE THINGS I HATE: 1) Bullies! 2) Being Fat!! 3) Child molesters!
THREE THINGS I DON’T UNDERSTAND: 1) Math 2) Fashion 3) My kids sometimes lol
THREE THINGS ON MY DESK: 1) BBQ Sunflower seeds YUM!! 2) My Checkbook, 3) Paper
THREE THINGS I’M DOING RIGHT NOW: 1) Typing this 2) Listening to Shelbie Whine!! arrgghh! 3) listening to "The Nanny" on TV
THREE THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE: 1) See my Husband Saved 2) See my Children Grown 3) Lose this weight!
THREE THINGS I CAN DO: 1) Make Yummy Chicken enchilidas 2) Make my kids Laugh 3) Make Billy Very Happy * Hubba Hubba *
THREE THINGS I CAN’T DO: 1) Forget what certain Dr did to me 2) Lose weight 3) Sew
THREE THINGS I THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN T0: 1) God 2) Your Children 3) Your husband
THREE THINGS I DON’T THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO EVER: 1) Politicans 2) Satan 3) Mean People!
THREE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: 1) Chinese! 2) BBQ 3) Fried Chicken
THREE THINGS I’D LIKE TO LEARN: 1) To Sew 2) More patience 3) To Dance
THREE BEVERAGES I DRINK REGULARLY: 1) Diet Dr. Pepper 2) Coffee 3) Water
THREE SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: 1) Bugs Bunny 2) Smurfs 3) Wrestleing


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

HEY! I tagged you first! I am the one who started after Hope tagged me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it all!!!! (hee hee)

10:08 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Oh Man Jen! I'm sorry sweetie. :)

11:51 AM

Blogger Michelle said...

LOL...ha, ha she likes me more. na, na, na. :D Love ya Jen!

3:21 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...


5:13 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I tagged Michelle! LOL
Shelly your answers were so much like mine :) I am not surprised though ;)

7:35 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

Michelle! LOL You're a Hoot!

Yeah Jen it's Funny how our answers ended up so much alike ;)

12:02 PM


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