Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Dang! It costs a Fortune to go camping!

Well to buy stuff to Go camping anyway. lol. I went to Aldis and got a few things. I spent $70.00 there! Eek! And then ran to walmart to get the things I couldn't get at aldis. I spent over $120.00 there! But I bought 2 folding chairs and shampoo etc.. Stuff we needed. So I can understand why it cost so much but still Dang! I'm trying soooo hard to hold on to the money we have and not spend so much but when you're away camping it's hard and Very expensive to run to the store and get something. So we always get extra lunch meat and chips :) Gotta have lots of tortilla chips and dip to eat while sitting in the Cool camper watching DVD's LOL. Plus sunscreen and swim stuff for the kids too. I can't Wait to go!!! We're actually going Sunday afternoon now instead of Monday like we thought. Since Billy is off sunday we decided to go ahead and go. I'm glad. We have my grandpas birthday party after Church sunday though. He's turning 90 years old! wow! I just hope he's around for a lot more years.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly what kind of camper do you have????? I want a cool camper with a dvd player!
Happy 90th birthday Grandpa!

3:33 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

We have an Older model. It's a 1985 fleetwood Prowler it's not to big, Maybe 18 foot or so. But I Really like it. Billy and I have a bed already made out in the back and Sam has a Bed above the table that makes out into a Bed where Shelbie sleeps. We've done a lot to it. Like where the Fridge used to be I had Billy and his Dad make it into a Pantry. I LOVE IT! I've got Lots of space to store food etc.. But sorry no DVD player :( well we bring our TV and DVD player lol.

12:08 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

sounds cool we jsut have a pop up that we have mosified just a touch, addign a real fridge and microwave then it has a add a room. We should really pull it out and try a night in it.... maybe

9:41 AM


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