Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, August 04, 2006

SH*T! LOTS of curse words: Beware!

Yep I said it! SHIT! I'm so tired of things going 1 step forward and 2 steps back! Billy got 3 notices in the mail yesterday concerning his Unemployment. Apparently his job is trying to keep them from drawing unemployment! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! I wish I could go down there and just start Kicking some ass! I seriously now know why people go "Postal" at the jobs. The managment drives them to it!
We don't know for sure if he's for Sure not getting it but he'll fight for it as long as possible. This just makes me so mad and upset. It's just not right and not fair!
Arrgghh! * pulling my hair out*


Blogger Elaina said...

They have to pay a portion when you draw unemployment so they will try and fight it. I hope they lose.

7:08 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

My friend fought LOWES on her unemployment and won sooooo I am thinking if Billy fights he will win as well.

9:44 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks Girls. I am Praying sooo hard that he Does get it. We Really need it.

10:06 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

What bullshit. I hope that this gets settled quickly hon.

7:17 PM


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