Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Our Dog Ollie Died

My heart is just Broken. Our Sweet loveable Lug of a dog Ollie died today. I looked for him last night when we got home from our BBQ but he didn't come to me, I figured he was chasing rabbits or something so I didn't worry to much. But then this morning I called him again and he Still didn't come and Then I got worried :( Sam said he knew where Ollie liked to go to stay cool, Under our big storage building and he took me outside to show me. Sure enough he's under there but he's not moving and when we tried to get him to move he won't! :( :(
I can't believe that my sweet dog ollie is dead. I've just cried and cried.
He had been acting differant for a little while but I thought it was just the heat. He wasn't eatting much at all. I feel like I let him down. I should have taken him to the vet, even though we couldn't afford it. I'm sorry Ollie. I'm going to miss you Forever :(
This is a Picture of Ollie (the white dog) with our other dog Roxie. He and Roxie were Best friends.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

OH MY GOSH SHELLY! I am so sorry, no fair! the pain of losing a beloved pet is horriable I know! gosh I am just so sad for you and your family.

12:26 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I am so sorry hon.

7:16 PM

Blogger Becky said...

Oh Shelly, I am so sorry. {{hugs}}}

10:08 AM

Blogger Elaina said...

I'm so sorry ((hugs))

6:46 PM


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