Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Never mind

Billy came home last night and said that a LOT of people were ticked off at work about them Now working mon-fri and no overtime etc.. So a bunch of the guys talked to their supervisor and asked if they could just keep working Mon, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It would have been Stupid for them the work all week and not get any overtime because soo many of the people working there live really far from work and what little money they'd make just getting 4 extra hours a week would go toward Gas and wear and tear on their trucks etc.. So the supervisor took it to the Plant manager and told him that this is what everyone wanted to do and he agreed. So Billys Back Back to Mon-Tues-wednesdays. 36 hours a week. Gosh this Sucks so bad. We're trying So hard to hold onto the money we have left in our bank account and making it last as long as we can. Billy Won't even get a paycheck THIS week either! Please God let this get better soon.


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