Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Getting Up Early

This week is the start of getting the kids ready to go to school. Yikes! School starts Monday! OMG that 's so soon. Where did summer go?!
So monday night we started getting the kids in bed earlier. I think they were both in bed by 9:30 that night and 9:00 last night. We've been getting up earlier too. Man I was soo spoiled to sleeping till 8:00-9:00 am but now the alarm goes off at 6:30! man that's early! lol. Honestly though when the kids have to ride the school bus they will be getting up at 5:45 am. The bus runs at 6:30 or at least it did last year. I need to call the bus barn today and find out. Hopefully they won't be riding it to much. I am Praying hard that I get to sub as much as possible. My cousin L is a special ed aide in the self contained room and she asked me yesterday if I wanted to sub for her when she's off and I said YES! I'm so glad she asked. I signed up to sub for grades K-4th. I don't know if I can handle the smart mouth 6th grades yet. lol.


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