Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More Rumors

I'm just going to start Updating things going on with Billys job here. Everytime I post something on the board I go to something jinxes it. don't know why but it does. Billy told me monday that there are More rumors going around work. They are saying that there is going to be another batch of lay offs. :(
So far it's just rumors but you know what they say about rumors. sometimes there is a bit of truth to them. Yesterday they had a meeting and the boss was asking for people to volunteer to miss work a few days. You can guess NO one volunteered! No one can afford to! One of the dept managers is a friend of Billys and he asked billy if he wanted to miss work a few days and Billy told him straight out and Loud enough for everyone to hear " Hell NO I don't want to take a few days off! we're barely scraping by as it is!" Go Billy!!!
I have an appt tomorrow at 8:00 am. I'm praying it all goes smoothly and wonderfully Please God. I don't want to say what it's for because I don't want to be judged by some people. But then the only people who read this are my bestest friends so I know they would Never judge me. :) You know who you are ;)
I've been praying So hard that Billy doesn't get laid off. I don't know how we'd make it if he did.


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