Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I May just Scream!

I'm just so upset right now. It seems like everytime I turn around something is going bad. They changed Billys hours yet again yesterday. He's now working Mon-Fri 8 hours a day. Which sounds good But it means more Gas gets used so that means more Gas has to be bought! And they moved him to a differant dept so his pay gets cut! Crap Crap Crap Crap!!!!!!!
It is looking more and more like the place is going to close permantely before to long. I almost wish it would. Almost.
I went today to try to get us some help. Me, someone who said i'd never take help. I went today to apply for foodstamps. I swollowed my pride because we Need the help. But even though we had to go 2 weeks without Any paycheck we don't qualify! we make to much money! ha ha ha ha ha. We make to much money but we have problems buying food And paying our Elect bill the same week. Yah to much money! I don't understand it.
What I need to do is Pray. And Pray hard.


Blogger Elaina said...

I'm sorry. I know how that is, having to borrow money rom my mom just to pay the electric. I'm praying for you.

11:59 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thank you SO much sweetie.

7:06 AM


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