Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Praise God moments!

I am praising God! Sams therapy is over. His therapist called and we talked about how Sam was/Is doing and we decided to terminate his therapy. He's been doing so Great! No more nightmares or bad thoughts. And his worrying is down to next to nothing. I'm So Thankful to God for making my boy so much better.

Another Praise God moment was yesterday. Billy got a Check from Unemployment! AND he finished the side job he and his best friend have been doing. it's taken MONTHS! to get this finished. The guy they did this for works with them at the plant and he went ahead and paid Billy and S last month for the rest of the work. Well last night Billy got home at 11:00 pm because they wanted to finish the job once and for all! And he had another CHECK! G paid him More money! Praise God!
The Lord keeps heaping blessings on us. He truly does provide


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