Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Put up the Christmas Tree

Don't know why but I forgot to blog this lol.
Shelbie was so excited ever since Thanksgiving was over wanting to put up the Christmas decorations. She kept after me over and over all day Friday to put it up. Billy was off work that day but he was hunting so I had to try to get all the decorations out of the storage building myself. Shelbie helped of course lol. Sam didn't want anything to do with getting the stuff out of the building. I got the Tree out and we took it into the house and I went back out to the shop to get the boxes of decorations. I took One step into the building and a Mouse took off running across the base of the wall! Now i'm not really Scared of mice but I don't like them lol. So I decided right there and then that Billy would get the boxes out of the shop! Shelbie was Pissed! Threw a little temper tantrum and got put in time out because of it all. But BIlly got home not to long after that. And we got it all set up. The tree is beautiful if I do say so myself. 7 ft tall and huge. really to big because it takes up almost all of our dining room so our table is shoved up against the counter now. But it's only for a little while so I can deal. Sam Loved helping with the lights and putting the decorations on. I was doing great until.. Until I found my Angels. My angels for Zach. The one my mom bought me and the one my wonderful friend Jen bought me last year. I just held them both in my hands and tried so hard not to cry. I lost that battle fast but tried to hide it from the kids. They ask so many questions when I cry. I didn't want to get into it all. I just kept thinking how Zach should be here. This would be his first christmas. he'd be 7 months old by Christmas. He'd be trying to get into things and i'd be buying presents for him. But i'm ok. I'm trying not to dwell on it. But I Love to look at my angels and imagine anyway. It's ok to imagine


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Yes...it is ok to imagine hon....

5:24 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly I read all your post the other night but was not able to reply. I just wanted to say LOVE YA GIRL!

7:56 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

Love you too sweetie.

4:53 PM


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