Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Not much on the job front

I've not heard anything yet about the job I applied for. I really have no idea when I will really. She said that she'd leave the job opening up on the school website for awhile. But how long is awhile? I don't know if someone already working at the school has already snatched the job up or if a lot of people have applied for the job or what. I wish I knew. Maybe i'll get the nerve up to call and ask. lol. I've been thinking a Lot about the job and I really think it'd be perfect for me. I love computers lol as evidenced by how much i'm on mine. and I Love kids. I still miss working at Head start teaching the kids too. I have a good friend who is a home visitor for our local head start and everytime I talk to her it makes me miss working for head start. It was such a rewarding job. I Loved being able to help a child who couldn't even write their name or recongize letters or numbers and work with them and then see the amazment and excitment in their little faces when they do it for themselves. Of course there were bad things about HS too. I got Death threats against me for turning parents in for Sexual abuse against a child one year. Yep. Death threats! He was a Scummy skuzzy creap who hurt a child in a way that No child should ever be hurt and DHS never did a thing about it! We turned him in over and over for it. I still to this day wonder how that sweet baby girl is doing. I had her in class when she was THREE! Sick bastards out there! I pray she's ok.
But the more I think about the job I pray that Gods will be done. He knows if this job is what is best for me. And if I don't get it then i'll keep subbing and keep praying that The perfect job for me comes along.


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