Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Applied for another job

NOt only am I a subbing Fiend But i guess i'm an "applying for a job fiend" too. lol. My cousins Emailed me thursday night about a job opening at the primary school. K-2nd grades. I Love it down there. Around all my little ones :) Years of Head start does that to you. lol. So I was going to talk to the princapal anyway but my cousins DH D who is also Billys Best friend is the school board president and Talked to the princepal about me! OMG Talk about a shock! D hasn't liked me much for about 13 years or so. Big misunderstanding which caused a Huge fight for which D has never forgave me, even though I had nothing to do with what he was mad about! Stupid I know! But anyway he gave me a great refferance! The job is Computer lab/ Lunch room duty/ Teacher Aide. I'm really excited about the possibility of it but too i'll admit i'm Really nervous! I've not had a F/T job in Over 10 years now! Ahhhhhhh! *can you hear me screaming?* But I Need a job. Billy has been about the only bread winner in our family for years and years and it's time for me to step up and help. Plus I Despertaly need a new vehicle. well maybe not "New" but new to us. And something that runs better then my truck. I have No idea if this is even a Permanent job or not because the listing on the website says for the "Remainder of the school year" so I don't know if that' s a trial thing or what. I guess i'll find out during the interview. I subbed Everyday last week but wednesday. So that's going to be a Great paycheck for when we all go to Branson to Christmas shopping! I get to go this year. Last year I was in ICU and they went without me. :( Don't blame them though. So i'm praying about this job but i'm not praying to get it. I'm praying that IF this is the job for me that Gods will be done he knows if it's THE job for me or not. Tomorrow i'm taking in my application.
And shelbie now has a sore throat and it's Red and swollen. We may be taking a trip to the Dr tomorrow too. Yikes!


Blogger Tanya said...

That sounds perfect for you Shelly! It sounds like you would have a blast.
I hope shellby is feeling beter soon!

6:27 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks T.

12:20 PM


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