Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hate Hate Hate this medicine!

At the Er they gave me 3 presps. 1 for viciodan but I didn't get it filled. I kinda have a thing about taking pain meds. Guess it's from my grandma telling us over and over as kids that Her MIL was Serverly addictied to moriphine and my Grandpa being an alcholic. Addictive family I guess. :( So even after getting out of the ICU after we lost zach I didn't get the Pain meds filled. I just toughed it out with Advil and tylenol etc.. and it worked fine. Anyway at the ER they also gave me Perdisone which is a steriod. OMG I HATE that stuff! Hate it! I have acid refulx anyway And an ulcer that acts up from time to time and that Stupid Perdisone crap has Torn my stomach up! I have been having bad stomach pains and heartburn and ulcer pain. I'm living on mylanta! I want to stop that shitty med but Billy and our friend Shelly who's a nurse says to keep taking it till it's gone. Thank God tonight is the last dose. I took my dose last night right before bed. I think it helped. But the last 2 nights before that I took it with supper because it says to take it with food. Big mistake! It made me So loopy and woozy that I felt like I was on a 4 day drunk! Well never Been on a 4 day drunk but you get the idea. LOL I'm so ready to be done with it! I'm also on amoxicallian. I don't think that is bothering me. It's an antibotic. I'm just So incredibly tired of feeling like shit due to meds! I'm so tired right now I could sleep for a week.


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