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Monday, January 01, 2007


Do I or do I not? Make New years resolutions that is. See I make em' Every year and then a week maybe less later they are broken. lol. So I don't think i'll make them this year. I think i'll just make an "I want to" List. LOL

Ok here's my I want to list:

1) I Want to Lose weight. I weighed myself last night at my cousins house and lets just say OMG! I weigh more then i've Ever weighed.. Period! Enough! I need and Want to lose about
60 lbs. 5 pounds at a time!
2) I want to be a better mom. I want not to only spend More time with my kids but Better time with them. Make Every moment count.
3) Be a better wife. I Love Billy with my Whole heart and I want to make sure he knows it!
4) Eat Healthy. I know that goes with losing weight but I want it in a place by itself. I eat like crap! Whatever is handy and not caring about nutritional value or fat or anything. That also means feeding my whole family better. More veggies and less fried stuff.
5) Ok This one is a bit embarrasing because not many people know this about me but... I Smoke! Yes, I smoke. Damn it! I stopped the second I found out I was pregnant with All my kids and then after I lost Zachary I didn't plan on starting back but the stress of it all and I caved and started again. I'm very upset with myself. :( I know i'm not ready this second to quit and I know from past experience that I Have to be ready. When i'm ready i'm going to talk to my dr about wellbutrin again. It helped me quit in the past.
6) Be a better Christian.
7) Be a Better friend, To always try my hardest to be there for the people who mean so much to me. I've been So incredibly blessed to be surrounded by friends in real life and my dear friend online and I want to be as good a friend to Them as they are to me.

Ok i'm gonna check back here in a few weeks and just see how many of these " I want to" s that i'm keeping up with LOL.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

what great things you want to do, your list sound a lot like mine minus the smoking. I say do them all and enjoy life more :)

4:32 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I won't make them this year. I never really do. I always make the same one and it never happens: To become a mom this year. So, I am just not going to jinx myself by making it.

You have a great list!

5:13 AM


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