Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Been awhile.

I just realized that it's been a little while since I wrote anything. There really hasn't been that much to write about lol. Guess life is smoothed out a little. Which is Wonderful. Well other then the "Worry" I have but i'm feeling like that will be Ok. Shelbie and Sam had dentist appts yesterday. Just checkups. Shelbie had a Wonderful appt. for the first time Ever. She had No cavities or problems with her teeth. That is Seriously the first time ever she's not had any kind of problems. Thank God. Sam has 3 cavities though. 2 on baby teeth that happen to be loose so the dentist doesn't seem worried about them and not going to fill them. But one is on a permant tooth so he's going to have to have a filling there. They go back in feb for that. Shelbie is getting sealents on her teeth in hopes that it'll keep her from Getting cavities. She's had it before and i'm not real sure it even really helps but oh well. maybe it'll help her teeth.
I haven't subbed any this week. :( I am hoping that they will call me next week for sure. We need the Extra money for sure this month. With insurance and loan payment both this month. Makes it extra expensive! We're supposed to get some rain and possibly Sleet and freezing rain this weekend. But i'll believe it when I see it. The weather men around here suck! They never get it right. lol


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

life is good when its smooth :)

Thanks for the update FINALLY ;)

1:00 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Sorry sweetie. I'll try to do better. lol.

4:40 PM


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