Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Cousin and My grandpa

My poor Cousin Josh may have to have open heart surgery. They are not for sure yet or not. I think it's depending on what the heart monitor that he's wearing says. He's been having episodes with his heart again and nausea and feeling bad. So the dr put him back on the monitor. I thought he'd been on it all along but apparently according to my mom when I talked to her today they just now put it on him agian. The dr he's been seeing at the childrens hospital said that He's not capable of doing the surgery because it's very envasive. They would have to open him up and go directly into his heart this time. There is a Pathway in his heart that they've been tring to fix all this time and Thought they'd fixed it but nope. It is now into the heart muscle now and it's impossible to fix the way they'd been trying to before. I feel so bad for Josh. The poor kids been through so much. I've asked a Lot of people to pray for him. I know they will help because i've got first hand experience with that!

My Grandpa is in the hospital. I just found out Today! Yes today! I'm so sick of this Shit of no one telling me what the Hell is going on in my own family!! My Dad told me that my mom had taken him to the Veterans hospital to see the Dr yesterday after his diaylisis because he was spitting up blood. But in Reality (That no one bothered to tell me!) He was At diaylisis and my Mom had taken my granma to Walmart to get groceries and while mom & Gran where there a woman that has D at the same place as Gramp had mom paged at walmart because they took my Grampa by Ambulance to the Hospital! Mom left her full cart right there and took off with Grandma to the hospital. My Dad didn't bother to tell me that Shit! Why the hell doesn't anyone tell me this stuff! Am I that unmemorable in my own family that No one thinks to tell me? I'ts beginning to feel that way. The Drs don't know where the blood is coming from yet so grampas still in the hospital. I want to go see him so badly. But it's now sleeting So i'm depending yet again on my Mom to call me and let me know how he's doing. I Told her that she'd Better call and tell me this time or else the shit will fly. Sometimes I don't feel so much a part of this family. Especailly when I'm forgotten. *sigh*


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Omg Shelly...I am so sorry that this is all happening. I will pray for them both!

2:35 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I read this when you posted it but I was having those problems posting, prayers have been on there way up!

3:57 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thank you So much both of you. I konw they can use all they can get. HUG

5:06 PM


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