Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Snowing like Crazy & my Paycheck.

Right now i'ts snowing like crazy! I'm loving sitting here at my computer by the window watching the snow fall in big huge flakes. It's so pretty. Everything looks so fresh and clean and SO cold! The kids got out of school early so they were home by 1:25. Billy is at work, which i'm hateing because he's got to drive in this slick mess. I texted him to tell him to be Very Very careful. I'm hoping that the school is closed tomorrow. Ahh the thought of sleeping late is so wonderful. lol.
I got my check today from subbing in december. After I got it I looked at it while I was still at the admin office and what do you know? It's short a 1/2 day! Shit! On a day when I Desperatly Seriously need any and all the $$ I can get I get shorted on my paycheck! And of course they can't just cut me a new check! Nope it will be on the Next check i'll get in FEB! Shit! before I put my check in the bank we were just about - balance. Gosh I hate being broke!


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I love the snow when it is falling and so pristine on the ground. I just hate when I have to drive anywhere.

That is bullshit about your paycheck. You worked the hours, they should be putting a check in the mail to you now!!

4:36 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

snow is pretty I agree!

That suck about your paycheck!
thanks for updating your blog more often!!!!

6:50 PM


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