Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What have I done today?

A whole hell of a lot of Nothing. The kids are happy watching movies and playing and for once it's kinda quiet here today. Oh other then shelbie screaming at me every once in awhile to come do something for her. lol. And that kid can scream! I've sat right here in this computer chair about all day. Doing what you ask? Ok i'll tell you. I've been reading blogs. Blogs of people I have no idea who they are lol. You know how you find a blog of someone and it grabs your attention or it sparks something in you to read more? Well I found one the other day and I bookmarked it. I wanted to keep up with what was going on in her life. See she'd lost a baby about the same time we lost Zach. It sparked a kind of kinship in me to learn more about her. To find out what was going on with her life. So after I read her entire longggg blog I then clicked on her list of the blogs She reads and it's a vicious cycle from there. LOL I'm just lurking but I did read a blog the other day that I left a comment for. She had lost her baby to Trisomy 18 like we did Zach. I guess it's kind of like watching someone go about their day or life and just being an easedropper lol. So i've sat here all day reading. well Ok not all day but most of it. I've done laundry and I even fed my kids. *gasp* But there's a lot more to get done so I know I need to get off my Fat butt and do it. And i've been going sites trying to see if there is any new news on a certain new mr. Man. I'm dying to hear more and more and more. :)


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