Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Yearly Checkup Tomorrow

And i've got to admit i'm nervous. Really nervous. I've not had a "CheckUp" in over a year. Not since I lost Zach. Not looking forward to that whole Pap thing at all. Yuck! I'm Praying that everything is Ok with Everything and that the pap comes back Fine without any problems. With the spotting I had been having i'm praying that it didn't cause any problems. I'm also worried about the breast exam. I have fibrocystic breast disease so it makes it Really hard to do breast self exams and determine what's Fibrocystic and what might Not be. I've got a couple of places on my right breast that are worrying me sick. I'm Praying So hard that they are nothing to worry about. Please Please God. I'm going to ask the Dr about getting a baseline mammogram done too. I don't have anyone in my immediate family who's had breast cancer but i'd like to get a mammogram done just for My peace of mind. My Grandmas Sister had breast cancer but I don't think that's "Immediate" family. Or hey it could be. My appt is tomorrow at 9:00 am. I'm So Thankful it's early so I can get it over with and get on with my Day.
Please Heavenly Father Please let Everything go great at my appt tomorrow. Please. Please let everything be normal and please let my breast exam be normal please God. Amen.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I pray it went well!

8:39 AM


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