Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pretty Weather & Shelbie won an Award

Let's see where to start lol. Ok with Shelbie. My Sweet and So smart girl came home the other day from school and gave me a paper. It was about an Award she won! My baby girl won the Kwanais (or however that's spelled) Award for the entire kindergarten! Tomorrow they will have an awards thing during lunch where differant K classes win differant monthly awards like Cleanest bathroom, PE award, Library award etc.. they do this every month and it's just a little thing they do to keep the kids excited about school and doing their best. Shelbie will get an award and I get to eat lunch with her for free. Yum school food. Not! lol. We also get a Bumper sticker that says "i'm the parent of a Great kid" or somthing like that. I almost said I get the sticker. LOL because Yes It will be going on MY truck. lol. Sorry Billy. :) I'm also going to volunteer the rest of the day at the school for Shelbies teacher. I knew that if I ate lunch w/ her and then tried to leave her at school that she'd have a Cow! So I emailed her teacher to see if she could use my help with Copies or whatever and Man did she ever jump at that LOL. She's such a Great teacher and I know that she appreciates it when I help out. And it makes Me feel good too. :)

The weather here has been So beautiful. Sunny and Warm. It makes me want spring So bad though. I'm so ready for warmer days where I can open the windows and let the fresh sweet air in. And plant some more flowers. I started Zachs Garden last spring but didn't get to finish it. So I Really want to finish it this year. I already have a Rose of Sharon planted there and it's So pretty when it blooms. I want to put in some Hostas and maybe a Rose bush. I don't know for sure yet. But i'm itching to get at it.
The only Bad thing about spring is Allergies. I get so stuffy and sinusey, is that a Word? lol. But hopefully I can keep some Claritan D around to keep it from getting to bad.
Come on Spring! I'm Ready!


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I so love spring yet it seems sooooo far away up here LOL
I love that you have a graden as well great idea.
Great Job to shelbi!

5:25 PM


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