Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Took first Pill, Helping SIL and Subbed today

Gosh let's see where to start lol.
Yesterday my MIL and I went to my SILs salon/resale shop and helped her get her spring/summer stuff out and her fall/winter stuff back to storage. I swear I ironed more yesterday then I have in 16 years! My shoulder was hurting today from all of that. She has a lot of linen clothes that are hard to iron the wrinkles out of. Then she did our hair! Yeah baby!! I got highlights, now i'm blonder! Yeah! I think it makes my complexion look a lot better too. Oh and I got my eyebrows waxed too. Soo much better then plucking them! :) We had a great day! I love spending time with my MIL and my 2 SILs. we're going resale shopping Saturday for my MILs b-day. I can't wait. It'll be so much fun!!

I ended up getting my presp for provera filled too. I want AF here Asap! I am planning on starting the progesterone cream again after AF leaves. I'm praying that it helps.
I haven't gotten my Pap results yet. I haven't checked the mail yet today so it could be in the mail box right now. I hope so. I'm Still praying so hard that everything is Normal and healthy without Any problems. Please Please Dear God. Please let everything be normal and healthy. Please.

I got a call this AM from my cousin S who teaches at the school. She'd been sick all night and didn't feel like coming in this morning. So I went and subbed this morning for her. She came in at 11:30 so that I could leave. It was really nice. The kids were noisy but basically good kids. lol. It was Really nice to get to leave and come home though. I got lunch and came home to do laundry. *Yuck* lol.

Maybe I'll be able to update today that I got my Pap results. I hope so.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Did you get them yet? The results that is...

Ironing Linen is hard! I end up ironing wrinkles INTO the clothes LOL. I totally suck at it.

3:57 PM

Blogger Elaina said...

Hope you get your results and AF soon.

8:31 PM


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