Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The kids Parent/ Teacher conferances.

Sam and shelbies PT conferances were yesterday. Shelbie has All S's & E's Which mean Satisfactory and Excellent. Plus she's reading at level 4. Higher then where she should be now!! My smart girl! Her teacher just Loves her. She kept saying how much fun she was to have in class and all the funny things shelbie does. It was so much fun to hear that. And I was so proud too. lol.

Sams PT conferance was Excellent too. He made All A's!! Plus the honor roll again. She said she had had him tested for Gifted and talented but he was so nervous during the test that she just left him alone and didn't want to make him More nervous. I honestly don't know where my kids get their smarts. I did Horrible in school. lol.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

cheering all the way over here for your kids! and for you two being great parents!

4:51 PM

Blogger TanyaG. said...

Way to go Sam and Shelbie!!

9:54 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

You have some awesome kids! WTG kiddos!!!

4:42 AM

Blogger Michelle said...

wtg to the kiddos!!! You should be one proud momma

5:26 PM


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