Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pap Results!

Got them today when I called the Drs office. Everything is Normal!! Praise God Praise God Praise God!
Thank you God for letting my pap be normal and God please forgive me for when I had doubts. Amen.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Took first Pill, Helping SIL and Subbed today

Gosh let's see where to start lol.
Yesterday my MIL and I went to my SILs salon/resale shop and helped her get her spring/summer stuff out and her fall/winter stuff back to storage. I swear I ironed more yesterday then I have in 16 years! My shoulder was hurting today from all of that. She has a lot of linen clothes that are hard to iron the wrinkles out of. Then she did our hair! Yeah baby!! I got highlights, now i'm blonder! Yeah! I think it makes my complexion look a lot better too. Oh and I got my eyebrows waxed too. Soo much better then plucking them! :) We had a great day! I love spending time with my MIL and my 2 SILs. we're going resale shopping Saturday for my MILs b-day. I can't wait. It'll be so much fun!!

I ended up getting my presp for provera filled too. I want AF here Asap! I am planning on starting the progesterone cream again after AF leaves. I'm praying that it helps.
I haven't gotten my Pap results yet. I haven't checked the mail yet today so it could be in the mail box right now. I hope so. I'm Still praying so hard that everything is Normal and healthy without Any problems. Please Please Dear God. Please let everything be normal and healthy. Please.

I got a call this AM from my cousin S who teaches at the school. She'd been sick all night and didn't feel like coming in this morning. So I went and subbed this morning for her. She came in at 11:30 so that I could leave. It was really nice. The kids were noisy but basically good kids. lol. It was Really nice to get to leave and come home though. I got lunch and came home to do laundry. *Yuck* lol.

Maybe I'll be able to update today that I got my Pap results. I hope so.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Stolen from Jen. LOL

Two Names you Go by:
1) Shelly
2) Mom

Two things you are wearing right now:
1) Lounge Pants
2) T-shirt

Two things you want/Have in a relationship:
1) Love
2) Understanding

Two of your Favorite things to do:
1) Spend time with Billy Alone!
2) Spend time with my Family and Read

Name two people who will fill this out:


Two things you ate today:
1) New england Clam chowder
2) BBQ sunflower seeds. YUM!

Two people you last talked to:
1) My Dad
2) My MIL

Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1) Going to Church
2) doing laundry. yuck!

Two longest car rides:
1) Memphis TN
2) Grove OK

Favorite Holidays:
1) Christmas
2) 4th of July

Favorite beverages:
1) Diet Dr.Pepper
2) Frozen strawberry margarita

Two favorite things to wear:
1) My black jammy bottoms and T-shirt
2) Billy LOL

Two things you listen to:
1) Nickel back
2) Red hot Chili peppers

Well never Mind!

Spotting again! Crap!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spot is back.

Yep that stupid spot is back. Been gone All month and I was Overjoyed! But then last night after a little "Fun" Lol Sorry there TMI! He showed up. Of course AF is late and I keep feeling like she should show up any second butnot yet. I'm praying So hard that spot is just the start of AF. Please God. This spot thing is beginning to worry me. my Doc told me that spotting is Not normal. I can't help but feel like it all stems from us losing Zach and then having to have emergency surgery- losing an ovary and almost my uturus. I Never spotted before that. Maybe my hormones are screwed up? I guess I need to make an appt to have them checked? I'm still waiting on my pap results. I'm just kinda scared that it'll come back bad due to this spotting stuff. I'm praying So hard that it's normal without any problems. Why can't my reproductive system be normal? But then i'm not the only one I know.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pretty Weather & Shelbie won an Award

Let's see where to start lol. Ok with Shelbie. My Sweet and So smart girl came home the other day from school and gave me a paper. It was about an Award she won! My baby girl won the Kwanais (or however that's spelled) Award for the entire kindergarten! Tomorrow they will have an awards thing during lunch where differant K classes win differant monthly awards like Cleanest bathroom, PE award, Library award etc.. they do this every month and it's just a little thing they do to keep the kids excited about school and doing their best. Shelbie will get an award and I get to eat lunch with her for free. Yum school food. Not! lol. We also get a Bumper sticker that says "i'm the parent of a Great kid" or somthing like that. I almost said I get the sticker. LOL because Yes It will be going on MY truck. lol. Sorry Billy. :) I'm also going to volunteer the rest of the day at the school for Shelbies teacher. I knew that if I ate lunch w/ her and then tried to leave her at school that she'd have a Cow! So I emailed her teacher to see if she could use my help with Copies or whatever and Man did she ever jump at that LOL. She's such a Great teacher and I know that she appreciates it when I help out. And it makes Me feel good too. :)

The weather here has been So beautiful. Sunny and Warm. It makes me want spring So bad though. I'm so ready for warmer days where I can open the windows and let the fresh sweet air in. And plant some more flowers. I started Zachs Garden last spring but didn't get to finish it. So I Really want to finish it this year. I already have a Rose of Sharon planted there and it's So pretty when it blooms. I want to put in some Hostas and maybe a Rose bush. I don't know for sure yet. But i'm itching to get at it.
The only Bad thing about spring is Allergies. I get so stuffy and sinusey, is that a Word? lol. But hopefully I can keep some Claritan D around to keep it from getting to bad.
Come on Spring! I'm Ready!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Dr appt update

Well Praise God my appt went Great. Well as great as a pap smear can go LOL I really like my Dr that I see. I've seen him for about 18 years! wow that's a long time. He's the dr that helped us with the infertility and delievered Sam and shelbie. He's very straight forward and gives great advice. He gave me some ideas on ways to help with my fibrocystic breast stuff. Flax seed, Vit E, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.. I liked that it was somtehing I could do Without a presp. Most Drs i know want to write you a presp for meds for Everything. he doesn't. I was wondering how he'd feel about my using Natural progesterone cream and he was all for it. And gave me a few websites to go to to order it. I get it from the health food store though. It's easier.
Now all I need is my pap test back. I've been praying that all that comes back Normal with No problems too.
Other then all that not to much going on. Billy and I went out Friday night with our best friends S&S. We went to TGI fridays. It was so much fun to get out with them again. We used to do So many things with them before we all had kids. lol. camping and bar hopping LOL They have a little girl who's only 6 months younger then shelbie. It was fun going through our pregnancies together. Saturday Billy and I took the kids to Walmart so that Sam could spend his b-day money. He had $41.00! to spend. I went ahead and got groceries there while Billy took the kids around shopping. I usually shop for groceries at the local grocery store and Wm was Nuts on a Sat. Nuts! Way to many people for my blood. I like being able to look around for stuff and Sat it was Get what you needed and get the Heck outta the way or get run over. Seriously! I hate shopping there! And Yuck their produce was Nasty! Yucky tiny amount of wilted gross looking leaf lettuce. I don't know How in the world they were selling that nasty crap. It looked like it needed to be thrown away a Longgg time ago. So I had billy run by the grocery store on the way home and I got the good stuff! Big ole' bunch of yummy looking lettuce for the same price as walmarts nasty looking stuff. Yuck! I love me my lettuce LOL.
Oh and I got a good suprise I forgot about at my Dr appt. When I called to make the appt way back in November of last year I asked the receptionest how much it'd cost for the Yearly exam. and she said around $150.00! So I was prepared to pay that much or even more. So I get up there to pay after my exam and the lady tells me it's only $70.00! yeah! Dr M put it as an exam for something instead of the Yearly exam so that my insurance would pay better. a very good suprise at that. lol. Any money I can save is wonderful.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines day to Everyone!! My Sweetie has something for me but he told me he'd give it to me after he got home from work. Darn it. lol.
The kids have Valentines day parties today. Shelbies at 1:30 and Sams at 2:00. So i'll be hurrying from one party to another today. lol but it'll be fun.

Yearly Checkup Tomorrow

And i've got to admit i'm nervous. Really nervous. I've not had a "CheckUp" in over a year. Not since I lost Zach. Not looking forward to that whole Pap thing at all. Yuck! I'm Praying that everything is Ok with Everything and that the pap comes back Fine without any problems. With the spotting I had been having i'm praying that it didn't cause any problems. I'm also worried about the breast exam. I have fibrocystic breast disease so it makes it Really hard to do breast self exams and determine what's Fibrocystic and what might Not be. I've got a couple of places on my right breast that are worrying me sick. I'm Praying So hard that they are nothing to worry about. Please Please God. I'm going to ask the Dr about getting a baseline mammogram done too. I don't have anyone in my immediate family who's had breast cancer but i'd like to get a mammogram done just for My peace of mind. My Grandmas Sister had breast cancer but I don't think that's "Immediate" family. Or hey it could be. My appt is tomorrow at 9:00 am. I'm So Thankful it's early so I can get it over with and get on with my Day.
Please Heavenly Father Please let Everything go great at my appt tomorrow. Please. Please let everything be normal and please let my breast exam be normal please God. Amen.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Sam

My baby boy is 10 years old today. I can't believe 10 year have passed in the blink of an eye. Sam you should still be a tiny baby, well you were never tiny by any means but tiny to your mommy. You are such an Incredibly Smart kid. You excell in so many things at school. Your a Wiz at math and spelling. but your great at everything you do in my eyes. You are getting so tall too. Before I know it you're going to be taller then me. :( The top of your head is up to my Eyes now. How did that happen? And you're such a Handsome young man. I can tell the girls are starting to notice you. And you them. Gosh mom is Not ready for that yet. Please let me be the only woman in your life for a bit longer. Please. I love to watch you play with Shelbie or your Dad. You're very competitive but you've gotten to where you lose a lot easier now then before. lol. Not that we lose to you much at all! You're getting better and better at Basketball and love playing soccer too. I just can't fathom where the last 10 years have gone. You're such a wonderful son and I'm so honored and Blessed to be your mama. God truely blessed me when he sent me you. Mama Loves you So much!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Last night I got into bed and rolled from my left side to my Right side and got the worst pain in my head! Way up above my hairline on the right side. Then it moved into my right eye too. then down my cheek. So I got up and took 2 advil and a musinex sinus thinking maybe it was a bad sinus headache. It hurt so badly that I thought my head would explode! I was in tears it hurt so bad. I got back in bed but I couldn't find Any position that would ease the pain. I got up to use the bathroom and finally found a way to ease the pain. I put my head in my hands and my elbows on my knees and just stayed there. It helped! I thought i'd have to stay there on the toilet just like that all night. LOL if it'd helped I would have. I got back to bed and ended up sitting up and leaning forward like in the bathroom with my head in my hands. It finally eased up some so I just went on down on the bed face down. I got up after a few min and turned around so that my face was completly in the pillow face down. I told Billy that if I suffoceated I loved him. lol But I was at the point where I'd either suffocate or pass out from the pain. I kept feeling so light headed and about to pass out. So nausous too. I've had migranes before but Never Ever anything like that. I don't think i've Ever felt pain like that before. I started thinking I was haveing a brain tumor or something. I fell asleep with my face in the pillow. I got up at 5:30 this morning after only about 2 hours of sleep. I felt like Shit! Mentally dull and unfocused. After I got the kids on the bus Billy was still home with me and I ended up going back to bed. I slept for about 1 1/2 hours and had Strange dreams. I still feel so out of it and tired right now. And i'm Praying I never have another headache like that Ever again.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Feeling better finally.

What a Crappy week this has been. First Shelbie was/is sick. Then on top of that I get it. It started monday afternoon for me with just my sinuses starting to bother me. Then tuesday I started the sneezing and alot more sinus junk. As the week went on I started taking musinex on tuesday. Man that stuff Rocks! it helps so much with the yucky mucus stuff. lol. Yesterday in the store I found the musinex for nasal congestion. It works so great too. I think my appetite is coming back too, though not sure that's all that good. lol. I'm praying that I at least lost some weight through all this sickies. Nothing tastes good t hough and my throat feels raw when I try to eat spicer stuff so i'm still not eatting to much. But then since i've not eatten much this week i'm so tired and weak. i'm praying tomorrow will be even better then today. Shelbie went back to school friday after being out all week. Man that was an experience. lol She's so used to having kids at school to play with that even though she didn't feel good and I felt bad too she still wanted to play games and wouldn't take no for an answer. It's not fun playing shoots and Ladders when your head is stuffed up and ready to explode! lol. I'm praying hard that Sam stays healthy. And i'm praying for a day very soon where I can open Every single window and door in this home and Air it out. Fumigate it even! I have to get rid of the germs in this house. I've used almost a whole can of Lysol in here but it's not working! Arrgghh. I'm just praying that we can all stay well for a LoNGGGG time to come.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Shelbies Sick

My poor girl. She woke me up Saturday morning at around 5:00 getting in bed with us, she said her tummy Really hurt and wasn't feeling good. She kinda dozed off next to me but woke up a few min later burped, and ran to the bathroom to throw up. :( The poor baby vomited and vomited. By then Billy was up with us so we all went into the living room and sat on the couch. She wanted a Pepto to help her tummy but the Second it hit her tongue she Ran back to the bathroom to throw up. :(
After that she wanted to lay down so she went to her bed with her beloved Gameboy and then fell asleep. But after about 1 hour or so she woke up and was feeling So much better. Praise God. So we went the rest of Saturday and all day sunday with No vomiting. Yah!!
Then last night about 12:30 she got in bed with me agian and said she had a nightmare and was shaking. She wasn't shaking from the nightmare she was Burning up with fever. :( Of course my $#@#$% themomoter wasn't working so I have no idea how high it was. So I gave her some tylenol and kept her in bed with me and Billy. I think maybe shelbie and I got about 2 hours sleep. I was supposed to sub today for kindergarten and Hated like crazy to have to call and cancel on them. But shelbies still running a fever. No other symptoms but a fever. I'm praying it's only a virus, a Very fast moving virus please. We've got to run out tod ay and get some more Meds, tylenol and motrin for fevers. Fun. not. lol.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Nice Suprise and I'm Ready for the snow to leave!

I know I know, I Wanted the snow. And I Still love it. What i'm Not loving is that shelbie wants to go out in it at 7:00 Am! And whines and cries if I dont' let her. Arrgghh! She's out there right now for the first time today. It's 10:00 am. But at least That is a better hour. lol. I need to get some things done around here before we go to her eye appt. That is if they are still having it. I'm sure they are but i'm going to call soon and check. Billy said that the highways are pretty clear, it'sjust the other roads and dirt roads that you have to be very careful on. Ours is still completly covered. I hate to get out on this mess but I am in Desperate need of some groceries. lol.
Our nice suprise today was when I was checking our bank account I noticed that we got our State refund already! Whoooo hoooo. Well ok it doesn't help us that much because we owe that much to my Inlaws for letting us borrow that money to pay our accountant but hey! We can pay them back. And that's great. They are So wonderful about letting us borrow money. :) Love them!
Guess i'd better cut this short. Shelbies hollering at me to come outside and pull her on the sled. Fun! Not! lol I'll do it but I hate having to get all those clothes on just to stay warm.