Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Update on my Cousin.

Ya know honestly i'm not sure I even blogged about my cousin yet. Duh me! anyway my cousin Debbie has colon cancer :( She found out about 3 months ago. This poor woman has been through So incredibly much stuff in her life. I think she's about 43 or so and has 3 young girls. When she was a child she battled leukemia 3 times! Yes 3 times and from what my mom told me she's had cancer a total of 10 times now. I can't even imagine. Once would be heartbreaking but 10 now! OMG! To much. I got an update on her today from my mom, From what she's heard Debbie is doing pretty good considering. a Bunch of lumph nodes have come up with cancer too which makes her fight even harder but she's beat it before she can again! My cousin Kent went to see her yesterday, he told her that God put it on his heart to go and see her and Pray with her and annoint (sp) her with oil. Debbbie of course was 100% ok with this. I've found myself praying for her alot lately too. Especially this week when I feel so miserably sick and I tell myself that i'm blessed that all I have is bronchitis and not cancer! I need to quit whining!
I also remember my brother coming to see me in the ICU last year and praying over me and annointing me with oil. I can't tell you what an Incredible sense of peace and well being that came over me. I Knew I mean KNEW that I was going to be Ok right then and there. I'm praying so hard for Debbie to beat this and praying that once she does that it never comes back.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hate being sick!

Here I go again. Whine Whine Whine! Yep i'm whineing. I feel So rotten today and yesterday. My chest is so congested and hurts :( I'm coughing so bad and coughing up stuff. Y U C K! Thank God for musinex! I feel like it's helping or at least I hope it is. I can only take it 2 times a day though. So far the kids are being pretty good considering. Sam is Still playing about every game he got for Christmas and shelbie is Still addicted to her "Baby Alive" doll. I'm sick of changing it's diapers though! lol. The poopy diapers gross her out.
I'm drinking coffee like crazy and sucking on Cough drops. Oh and my sinuses are killing me. I Hate being sick!! I hate that my immune system is so down that i'm catching a lot of junk. So i'm drinking Airbornne stuff too. I'm praying it helps.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Spot Don't read if you don't want TMI

Well spot if back again. I'm so freaking Sick of this Shit. The last 2 days it's been pink and very vrey light. only when I wipe. But now too due to the Fucking Antibotics I have a Wonderful Yeast infection! ARRGGHH! I can't seem to win lately. I'm Tired of this. So incredibly tired of it. Why does my body Have to keep screwing up on me? Thank God we're Not TTC because if we were we'd be screwed big time. I have no idea what is going on with the spotting. It scares me some too. I need to get into the Dr. I know. It's just a matter of $$ right now. Isn't it always?

Well we're off soon to go to my Grandparents house for Christmas dinner. I Love being there.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

About to be driven Crazy!

By my Kids! Ever since Wed afternoon they are going Nuts! School is out now till Jan 3rd and they are making the Very most of it! running through the house screaming. Picking on each other just enough to make the Other one cry! Like right this second! Sam just accidently pinched shelbies arm against the carpet. Kinda like an "Indian rope burn" It was an accident but of course She has to make it sound like he tried to kill her or something! I'm Seriously just about to tell them that I'm giving their presents to the Toys For Tots program or soemthing. Arrgghh!

We had a great time at our friends house last night. We had supper w./ them and then opened presents. The kids had a Blast! We played pictionarry or however you spell it lol. Sam is Great at that! He Loves to play it too. Shelly and I bet Sam, Billy and Scott the first game and then the boys bet us the 2nd game. it was after Midnight before we got home though. But it was a Lot of fun. We don't get together with them nearly enough.
Not much planned for today. Thank God! I'm finishing up the laundry and dishes. And trying to give the house a Good cleaning! it needs it so much.
Billy took his mom to town w/ him to get his Dads present. I'd been after Billy for Weeks now to get it but nope. He waited till the last second. Again. And when he had his best friend Scott look for what Billy wanted to get His Dad at the Tractor supply it was gone! so now he's having to find something else. Oh well. At least it's him looking at not me! LOL i'm done! Now back to work cleaning this dusty house! Arrghh. not fun!

Hate Hate Hate this medicine!

At the Er they gave me 3 presps. 1 for viciodan but I didn't get it filled. I kinda have a thing about taking pain meds. Guess it's from my grandma telling us over and over as kids that Her MIL was Serverly addictied to moriphine and my Grandpa being an alcholic. Addictive family I guess. :( So even after getting out of the ICU after we lost zach I didn't get the Pain meds filled. I just toughed it out with Advil and tylenol etc.. and it worked fine. Anyway at the ER they also gave me Perdisone which is a steriod. OMG I HATE that stuff! Hate it! I have acid refulx anyway And an ulcer that acts up from time to time and that Stupid Perdisone crap has Torn my stomach up! I have been having bad stomach pains and heartburn and ulcer pain. I'm living on mylanta! I want to stop that shitty med but Billy and our friend Shelly who's a nurse says to keep taking it till it's gone. Thank God tonight is the last dose. I took my dose last night right before bed. I think it helped. But the last 2 nights before that I took it with supper because it says to take it with food. Big mistake! It made me So loopy and woozy that I felt like I was on a 4 day drunk! Well never Been on a 4 day drunk but you get the idea. LOL I'm so ready to be done with it! I'm also on amoxicallian. I don't think that is bothering me. It's an antibotic. I'm just So incredibly tired of feeling like shit due to meds! I'm so tired right now I could sleep for a week.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Feeling a bit better today

And I Thank God that I am. The Swelled feeling in my throat is just about all gone and I can now swollow without feeling like i've got something stuck in my throat. My throat is Still really sore but i'm dealing with that. Gargling lots of warm salt water helps too. Plus drinking Coffee lol. But then I get jittery from the caffeine. I'm so glad I do feel better because Shelbies Christmas party is today at 1:30pm. I Really wanted to go and Shelbie REALLY Wants me to go. lol. It should be fun and I need to remember my camera to take with me. :) I got an Email from Sams teacher yesterday Thanking me for the gift we gave her. She's such a Sweetie. She's young and just got engaged. I really like her for Sams teacher. I hope that Shelbies teacher likes Her gift today too. I have to remember to run by the Grocery store and pick up Cookies for the party. And some stuff for the kids lunchs the rest of the week. Today is their last day until Jan 4th Or 5th. Should be a Fun but Longgggg holdiday LOL

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Trip to the ER

I've had a sore throat since saturday night. It hurt Really bad but no yucky puss or white stuff in my throat, Thank God. Well last night I went to be and this morning about 4:00 am I woke up to use the bathroom and my throat felt like there was Cotton stuffed in it. Like my tonsils were swelling shut! I kinda paniced i guess lol. I started thinking of how my niece Bella had a Big problem with her tonsils and her's Actually swelled So badly that they Touched! I felt like I wasn't breathing as well as I should and couldn't decide whether to go to the ER or wait till the Drs office opened. So I woke Billy up and we got the kids up and I called my Dad and he said he'd put the kids on the bus for us. So we got ready and Billy and I took them to my Dads. And we headed to the ER. Thankfully at about 6:00 am this morning the ER was empty so we got right in. The Dr was really nice and so was the nurse. The Dr looked at my throat and said that I probably have either Strep or tonsilitis. Or it could be a Virus. But that my tonsils Are very swollen. So he gave me a presp for Amoxicillin and one for extra strength Tylenol and one for a steriod to help with the swelling. We got them filled at Walgreens and headed home. I took a little nap on the couch and I do feel a bit better. My throat is still feeling like it's "Swelled" but better then this morning. Thank you God. Billy just left to go to Sams Christmas party. I wanted to go So bad but I know I need to stay here and feel better. I wanted Billy to go for sure since I can't so that Sam won't be scared. I didn't want to scare him this morning when we left. I Pray that he's not. I think that the viocdan has worn off mostly. I don't feel so loopy and tired as I did before. I just hope and Pray that this virus or whatever it is goes away Very soon. I HATE being sick.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Shelbies Sick again and now I am too.

Dang it I hate being sick. Shelbie started a runny nose and cough friday and coughed all day yesterday. I gave her meds and Thank God she seems a Lot better today. Praise God. But last night late I got a Sore throat. Yuck! :( Today it hurts pretty bad when I swallow and aches all the time. I'm drinking coffee like crazy because it makes it feel better but then now i'm jittery from all the caffeine! catch 22 I guess lol. we didn't make it to Church this morning but i'm praying we can make it to the Christmas program later tonight. The kids are supposed to be in it and they are exchanging gifts. I don't know if Billy is going to try to make it or not. He's supposed to work tonight till 7:00 pm and the program starts at 6:00. So he May take off a bit early and be there. Not positive on that.
Good news is that Spot has gone away today so far! Thank God!! But feel to bad to take advantage of it with Billy. LOL Don't that bet all!
Oh well i'm just so glad it's gone.
Ok i'm off to gargle with some warm Salt water to see if it helps.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Spots at it again. TMI!

Damn it i'm So sick of this shit! AF ended just fine and then Bam! about 4-5 days after that here's that Stupid spot again! very dark brown in color and a day or 2 later I still have spot plus what looks like mixed with ewcm included. nasty and it's driving me nuts! my one and only ovary is bothering me too. Not pain as much as just an ache. hard to explain. i'm just sick of my body being screwed up! I know I need to see my Dr but it's so hard to get in to him and it costs So much. If I go to my old gyn I have to pay completly out of pocket. A regular check up is over $150.00! I can't afford that now at all. I could go to my regular general practioner dr but.. I'll admit it.. i'm scared! Scared that there is something really wrong with me. I know I need to know. but it's so terrifying. I wish I could use BC pills but due to clots i've had in my ankle before it's not wise for me to. I'm using the progesterone cream and today spot is very light. It's never really heavy. One time it was a Bit heavier then before but then went backt o light. I just wish my body would be normal. Whatever that is.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Shopping with Hubby

By Request LOL I'll blog about my outting with my wonderful and Very Hot DH. Well he went with me! Wow I know but he did. Lol and I didn't even have to drag him along. He Hates shopping. I mean he would rather have a broken arm or something then shop. but He went with me and we had The best time.
It was so nice to spend the day with him. he's So funny and makes me feel so good just being around him. We hit Toys R us first and found Sam a Radio controled flying thing. It's hard to describe because it's not an airplane but it's like a hover craft or somthing. lol. And we found shelbie the cutest dog that you can teach to do tricks. we looked around for the doll my mom wanted to get shelbie for Christmas but they were sold out. Come to find out ALL the stores in town are sold out of it. it's the Baby Alive doll. Very hot item this Christmas I guess. Then after waiting in line forever to check out we headed toward Walmart. Yuck. I really don't like Walmart. I would rather go to Target but Billy wanted to go to walmart. So on our way Billy said he was hungry and so was I so we headed toward resturant row. lol. Well we couldn't agree on where to go, Logans or Fudruckers or Olive garden. billy wanted Mcdonalds. but I vetoed that Fast. I hate mcdonalds. Yuck! Greasy. So we agreed finally on Smokey Bones. He'd heard it was really good. It was So pretty in there! very rustic with a log cabin feel and look. Very cool! we both ordered the combo platter with BBQ. It was ok. well actually i'd give it a Really good but I guess we were both expecting GREAT food like Billy had heard. i'd go back but i'd order something differant. And OMG only for a Very special occasion. it was Expensive! Over $31.00 for us! Way more then i'd like to pay that's for sure. After we ate we hit Walmart. I got more shopping done and Billy picked up a few hunting things. LOL he can't pass hunting stuff without buying something. Ha ha. we didn't stay in town to long because my mom/Dad had the kids but we had So much fun. I wish we'd do that more often. Even if it's not shopping. just spending the day together. :)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Not much going on.

Just thought i'd write something down lol. Not to much going on here lately. Trying to finish up my Christmas shopping. I'm trying to get Billy to go and help me finish it Saturday night. I'd Love to go w/ him and go out to eat and shop. He HATES shopping though so i'm not sure i'll be able to drag him with me. But i'd love to. I only need to get a few more things. 2 gift cards, one for my MIL and one for my BIL. we need to get Sam 1 more thing. I'd Love to get him an Airplane that actually flys. He's been talking about that for awhile. And get shelbie a few more things. I'm thinking a Big make up case filled with makeup. She Loves to make up her dolls and herself. lol. Have no idea what else though. we're getting my FIL some kind of power tool to use in his wood working shop. Not sure what there either.
They haven't called me to sub this week. :( I don't know whether they're just Not calling Me or if they just don't need a Sub this week. I am subbing next thursday for 4th grade all day. Yeah! Need that $! Still haven't heard Anything about that job I applied for. I did hear that they were pretty sure taht they were filling it In house after all! :( That sucks!! If I could just get my foot in the door I know I could do good there. Today i'm taking my Dad to his Eye Dr appt. He needs me to drive him home afterward. I Love my daddy!!
Well better get some stuff done before I have to go with my Dad