Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Yeah for AF

Yeah! AF started Big time yesterday morning. Yeah for AF lol.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Think AF is on her way

Well spot showed up this morning. And not that spot is a little brighter. I'm Praying that AF is on her way. Crampy too. Yeah! I'm praying that this is a "Normal" (normal for me lol) 7 day Af. Please God

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Got to Sub today!

I was honestly beginning to think they'd never call me to work again but at around 9:40 am this morning I got a Call from the school. Whoo Hooo! I was actually subbing for a Sub. lol. I got to sub in first grade. It was fun. A bit nuts because the teacher hadn't left Any papers for the Sub. And she didn't even have any work sheets ready for the kids Period! So the First sub had to go over to another 1st grade class and she got a stack of worksheets for the kids. Plus I did a lot of reading to them. It was a great day all in all. Plus makeing some money is nice too. lol.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

No AF yet

Well as my other post says I stopped the Progesterone cream like the bottle and Dr. Lees books says. now i'm just waiting on AF. No sign of her yet. No spots either. So I guess i'll keep waiting. today i'm craving Chocolate. like I do before I get af but then Chocolate is always a good thing so who knows lol.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 28 today

Today is day 28. I started the progesterone cream on day 12. Well actually it was more like day 3,312 but hey, lol. I counted Sat March 31st as Day 12 so counting today is day 28. I took my last prog cream last night. Now I don't use anymore until CD 12. I'm excited and i'll admit Very nervous about how this'll work. I"m praying I get AF and then when I start the Pro cream again on day 12 that the b leeding will stop again IF it didn't stop when af was/ is over. I'm Praying that this works. Please God

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Tanya Again. lol.

Hey sweetie. The only real suggestion I have would be to go to the book store Or library and get Dr. John Lees book. I have 3 of his But the one that I think would be great to get would be.
Dr. John Lee's Hormone balance made simple. The essential how-to guide to symptoms, dosage and timing and more.

It was Really eye opening to me.
This is a good site. You can look at the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

I got my books on Ebay for about $9.00. I'm sure your're library has them. If you have any questions let me know and i'll be So happy to help you. HUGE HUGS

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I thought i'd answer your question about how often I use the progesterone cream here so you'd be sure to see it. lol. ;)
I use a Very small dime size amount Once a day At night before I go to bed because they say that it can make you Mellow and sometimes a bit sleepy.

I don't know what you're using it for but Leah had the Best recommendation in the Books by Dr. John Lee. He's Amazing in my opinion. lol. It's all about hormones and Peri-menopause and menopause. Which I know is a ways off for us lol But it's Really Great information. Stuff about irregular cycles and even endometrois (sp) My real suggestion would be to make sure that if/ when you get some pro cream make sure that Progesterone is one of the first ingredients on the ingrediant list on the back. And Not wild yam cream. It's not Nearly as good and effective as Progesterone cream. I think the bottle I bought was about $23.00 or so. I got it at the health food store.

I'm just SOOO Thankful to God that it's working and i'm Praying that it Keeps working. It's so amazing Not to spot! lol

Hugs and Love ya sweets!!

I Don't want to Jinx this but.......

I've not had Any spotting or bleeding for over a Week now!! All praise and Glory go to God! This new progesterone cream that I got and started using is working! I feel so much better too. My roller coaster emotions are leveling off and What's also amazing is that my Fibrocystic breasts are SOOO much better too. So much less lumpy lol. Even Billy noticed. Lmao!
YES I have a Sex life again! Sorry ya'll. LOL
I am just So thankful to God that it's worked and I pray it keeps working.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Both kids home today

I guess you could say we're playing hookie! lol. I didn't want to get up this morning at all. In fact I woke up with the alarm Blaring and then turned it off and went Back to bed. ;) Opps lol. But Billy also heard it and got up. Shoot!
So I got up and went about getting the kids up and ready for the bus. Shelbie was a Bear this morning. SoOOOOOO Grumpy and cranky! Plus she had a stomach ache. We were just about to take them up to the bus stop when shelbie had to go to the bathroom. Well that made making the bus impossible. So we just let them both stay home today. It's better then having her get a stomach ache on the bus or school and me have to go get her. So they are both home today. I'm already realizing it's a mistake lol. They are both now Bored and restless! Sams already asked me about 5 times now if he can play on the computer. Shelbies still a bit cranky but not as much as this morning. Thank God! Now if I can make it through the rest of the day with them home i'll be So grateful.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Jen EC

Hey Sweetie. I'm really sorry you're old co-worker was treated so badly for her Fibromylgia. my cousin T has it and there have been times in the past that she's missed a lot of work due to flares. Thankfully she's had a very understanding boss and got to keep her job. I know that some people aren't so lucky.
I think because it's a disease or Medical problem that not to many people know much about that a lot of people think that the Pain that people with FM feel is exagerated and all "In their heads" so to speak. My heart Aches for the people who have servere cases of it because I know if I feel like like crap when I get a flare and hurt and it's a Milder case I can't even Imagine how people with bad cases feel. I also have a great aunt who has it and it's VERY servere. It's gotten so bad for her at times she's been stuck in bed and at times in a wheel chair. I Pray that mine never progresses to anywhere near that point. Today i'm still flaring but it's not unbearable. I'm really tired today too. I think that's all part of it. Made it to Easter service at Church, We had Sunrise service today and then had breakfast at church. we didn't stay for the later service. I was just to tired. Now i've got my cousins 2 boys down here playing with my kiddos. lol they are having a Great time but man they're Loud! lol.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fibro Flare today.

I really don't know if to many people know that I have fibromylgia or not. My Reumo dr has told me that I have a "lighter" case then most she's seen but to me I feel it! I'd hate to feel what a "Worse case" would feel like. most of the time I ache but don't really hurt to much. I constantly ache in my arms, shoulders, neck, back and chest. I was diagnosed with Fibromylgia And Costochrondritis about 4 years ago. For a long time I didn't know that FM and CC actually usually go Hand & Hand CC is where your ligaments and the end of the joints and cartlidge get inflammed. Kinda like with arthritis. The FM part hurts my back and the back of my arms and knees. But when I feel like I do today it all blends together.
I guess it's the Change in weather from Warm to Cold and yucky that has caused the Flare up. My Whole upper body hurts. :(
My back is sore and my right shoulder feels like there is a knife in it.
There Is meds out there that some say can help with this but the only one that my Reumo Dr presp me was a muscle relaxer and all it did was make me Loopy feeling and sleepy. I try to stick to more natural things like the Joint care.
I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day. It's Easter and we've got Church Early in the morning.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Forgot to document

Saturday I went and got some New and i'm praying better progesterone cream from the health store. I looked at the Other pro cream I'd been using and it listed sooo many other things before it even Got to the listing for Progesterone!
This one has it at the very beginning.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Could I Actually be???? Sorry again TMIl

GULP.. Ovulating?! I Love putting that TMI up there but really guess I don't have to lol Ya'll who read this Bloody blog ( LOL) are used to all the Gory details by now. ;)
Wiped a bit ago after using the bathroom and what do ya know?.. I actually had EWCM! A bit browish but hey!
That's All i'm saying. I'm not jinxing myself anymore. ;)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Kinda Hurt!

I found out today from my Cousin lisa that She now owns my Grandparents house! She was saying how people in our Very distant family have been coming up and seeing the house and she said that it's HER house and they aren't allowed to go in it yadda yadda! This is Very news to me. Ok this is just me but it makes me MAD! And upset. When we cleared out Grandmas house after she died I was left out of it. I mean Everything was already called for when I got there! But I did get a Very precious thing, I got my grandmas wedding ring and her mothers ring. And her bowls she used to make THE most delious tomato noodles out of. Those mean more to me then a Table or anything else. But I would have liked to be included. kwim? now this. My parents didn't even know anything about it. my mom knew that Lisa got the LAND there but come on! the house too? That house means so much to me. I know it's just a house but I spent soo many times there. My gran took care of me and my brother before and after school for years in that house. She took care of us during summer vacation in that house. I Love that house. And now BAM just like that it's Lisas. I'm ticked! I Emailed my Aunt about it. Lisas mom. I want to know if it's the Land that she gets or the land And house. It's not right.