Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Jen EC

Hey Sweetie. I'm really sorry you're old co-worker was treated so badly for her Fibromylgia. my cousin T has it and there have been times in the past that she's missed a lot of work due to flares. Thankfully she's had a very understanding boss and got to keep her job. I know that some people aren't so lucky.
I think because it's a disease or Medical problem that not to many people know much about that a lot of people think that the Pain that people with FM feel is exagerated and all "In their heads" so to speak. My heart Aches for the people who have servere cases of it because I know if I feel like like crap when I get a flare and hurt and it's a Milder case I can't even Imagine how people with bad cases feel. I also have a great aunt who has it and it's VERY servere. It's gotten so bad for her at times she's been stuck in bed and at times in a wheel chair. I Pray that mine never progresses to anywhere near that point. Today i'm still flaring but it's not unbearable. I'm really tired today too. I think that's all part of it. Made it to Easter service at Church, We had Sunrise service today and then had breakfast at church. we didn't stay for the later service. I was just to tired. Now i've got my cousins 2 boys down here playing with my kiddos. lol they are having a Great time but man they're Loud! lol.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Oh Shelly...I wish I was there to help you out with the kids. I can't even imagine how you are doing it girl!

FM is so terrible. People do treat you like it is "in your head" and that you should just get over it! Please! It is a real disease with real heartache and pain! (they used to treat women with endo the same way!).

I hope you are feeling better soon hon.

4:48 PM


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