Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fibro Flare today.

I really don't know if to many people know that I have fibromylgia or not. My Reumo dr has told me that I have a "lighter" case then most she's seen but to me I feel it! I'd hate to feel what a "Worse case" would feel like. most of the time I ache but don't really hurt to much. I constantly ache in my arms, shoulders, neck, back and chest. I was diagnosed with Fibromylgia And Costochrondritis about 4 years ago. For a long time I didn't know that FM and CC actually usually go Hand & Hand CC is where your ligaments and the end of the joints and cartlidge get inflammed. Kinda like with arthritis. The FM part hurts my back and the back of my arms and knees. But when I feel like I do today it all blends together.
I guess it's the Change in weather from Warm to Cold and yucky that has caused the Flare up. My Whole upper body hurts. :(
My back is sore and my right shoulder feels like there is a knife in it.
There Is meds out there that some say can help with this but the only one that my Reumo Dr presp me was a muscle relaxer and all it did was make me Loopy feeling and sleepy. I try to stick to more natural things like the Joint care.
I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day. It's Easter and we've got Church Early in the morning.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

A friend from my old job has it. She has a terrible case. People don't usually act sympathetic toward her either and it pisses me off. How would you like to ache and be in pain every single minute of the day!!!

I am sending you hugs...I hope the flare up goes away!

9:44 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

hey hon I am praying that you will be up and running real soon! I am so sorry your in pain :(

1:56 PM

Blogger Cherith said...

I am so sorry Shelly. I hope that by the time you read this you are feeling better. I have a student has fibromyalgia and she just breaks my heart. It is such a diffifult illness to deal with. I will be thinking of you.

9:06 PM


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