Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Kinda Hurt!

I found out today from my Cousin lisa that She now owns my Grandparents house! She was saying how people in our Very distant family have been coming up and seeing the house and she said that it's HER house and they aren't allowed to go in it yadda yadda! This is Very news to me. Ok this is just me but it makes me MAD! And upset. When we cleared out Grandmas house after she died I was left out of it. I mean Everything was already called for when I got there! But I did get a Very precious thing, I got my grandmas wedding ring and her mothers ring. And her bowls she used to make THE most delious tomato noodles out of. Those mean more to me then a Table or anything else. But I would have liked to be included. kwim? now this. My parents didn't even know anything about it. my mom knew that Lisa got the LAND there but come on! the house too? That house means so much to me. I know it's just a house but I spent soo many times there. My gran took care of me and my brother before and after school for years in that house. She took care of us during summer vacation in that house. I Love that house. And now BAM just like that it's Lisas. I'm ticked! I Emailed my Aunt about it. Lisas mom. I want to know if it's the Land that she gets or the land And house. It's not right.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Big hugs hon :(

5:18 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Hugs to you...this isn't right at all!

5:37 PM

Blogger TanyaG. said...

I am so sorry. :( Let us know what your aunt says.


8:30 AM


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