Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Kinda Worried about Billy

I'm getting a bit worried about my wonderful husband. Ever since he took this new position at work he's been So tired and Totally worn out. Plus the job he's doing now is a lot more stressful in that if he doesn't do it right Bad things could happen back there. Like an Explosion! or something like that. That IS the worse case serno but still it's a chance! Plus it's so amazingly HOT back there. He works over a furnace at times and it's blisteringly hot. So like last night when he came home he was hot and exhausted and a bit grumpy. I hate that. I know he can't help it and it's not like he's that way all the time it's just that we're so happy to see him and he's kinda distant and moody. it makes me very insecure at times i'll admit. I just want him to be happy and be happy with Me and the kids. I know this probably has nothing at all to do with me. Or at least I pray it doesn't anyway. But it's hard Not to take it personally. I've been praying hard that this week on vacation will be fun and he'll be able to relax and do what he wants to do with Us and we can have fun together as a family. Please God.

Campers Clean. Let's Go!

Billy pulled the camper around to the front of the house last night and i've spent All morning long cleaning that sucker out! Our poor Old camper has just about had it. It's literally falling apart. Today I noticed that my kitchen faucet is broken compeltly off! So no using that this year :( Oh well it's not like i've got many dishes to do anyway and it only ran Cold water because we don't turn on the heater in that old thing. I'm to afraid to turn the pilet light on in there. So at least it's Clean now and ready to start packing for our week. That means a LOT of Clothes and toys and the TV and DVD player and Game boys and oh did I mention Toys?! lol. Coloring books and of course shelbies 'baby dog" that she has to sleep with. lol. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow after Church. BIllys mom/Dad are going to keep the kiddos for me for a couple of hours. Since My extended cab truck is on the fritz i'm having to drive Billys white truck and it's so much smaller and not an extended cab. So if I took the kids with me shopping i'd never have enough room for all the stuff I need to get. Cases of bottled water and Pop and food and you name it! It takes a Lot of food and snacks to get through a week at the lake. lol. But i'm so ready and the kids and Billy are too.l

Thursday, July 26, 2007

School Shopping

Yep i've started School shopping already. Well techinally I started a few months ago lol. I've been checking Ebay and Old Navy.com for sales and found some Really cute outfits for shelbie and some new jeans and shirts for sam. It's amazing how fast my kiddos are growing! Sam is now in a size 12 jeans. The kid is almost as tall as me! But then most people are Taller then me since i'm only 5'4 LOL But he's only 10! He's going to be W A Y taller then me. I have a feeling that shelbie will be too. Everyone on Billys side of the family are Tall and i'm a shorty in the land of giants when i'm around them LOL The only real thing I need to get the kids before School starts is Shoes. And my lil' sis C is working at Kohls now and she gets a Great discount so I may get her to get me the kids shoes at a discount. Saving money Anyway I can.

Getting Ready for Vacation.

Oh man this snuck up on me Fast. We'd reserved our vacation months and months ago but this summer is just Flying by. It's amazing how fast this summer has gone by. We're going on vacation to the lake with a bunch of our family members MONDAY! Yikes! lol. Most of them are going friday but Billy has to work this weekend so instead of him missing out on 3 days pay we're going Monday morning and staying till the following Sunday. Most of them will go home Saturday so we'll probably have the whole day sunday to ourselves. yah! I thought about having BIlly take us and the camper over to the lake early but all the other camping spots are filled until monday. Oh well. Monday will be soon enough. I guess. :(
The kids are so ready and Man so am I! We were going to go w/ Billy to a Horseshoe pitching tournament tonight but I decided that me and the kids just stayed home. Sam really didn't want to go and I knew that if he did go that he'd be bored and asking over and over again when we could leave. So instead of fighting with him over it we just stayed home. The kids are watching movies and we ran down to the store and got some supper. I'm Trying to hold off buying any groceries until I need to buy them for the lake sunday. I'm so ready to go Camping! Wahhhhh Why can't I go now!?! LOL I"ve got Soo much to do before we go.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Yeah baby! AF started the very next day after spot showed up. I'm praying that I stay on This course and I won't be on AF when we go on vacation.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I'm hoping that today is the start of AF. TMI here! Beware lol.
But this evening when we got home from the movies and dinner I have some brown spotting. I totally screwed w/ my progeterone cream on purpose to see if I could get my period to come either Earlier then the last-first of the month and it worked. YEAH! I wanted to do that due to the fact that we're going on vacation The first of August and did Not want to be on my period then. Talk about a bummer that would be! I started using the cream again the other night and used it during the day time for the first time today. On the bottle it says you can use it Twice a day but i'd only been using it once. I'm going to use it again tonight before bed. I'm hoping AF will be here asap.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lazy Summer

I feel so lazy today. *yawn* I guess the last few days have caught up with me. Monday me and the kids went to the library and a few other places and then came back and cleaned the house.
Tuesday I took the kids down to my Inlaws house and we picked corn. Omg we had Sooo much Corn! we had a HUGE box full of it. It took me over 3 hours from start to finish I shucked it, Cleaned it and blanched it and cut it off the cob and froze it. Man that makes me tired just remembering it. lol.
The kids have been having a Blast in our pool. It's not as deep as I would Love it to be but they don't seem to mind to much. I'll have to post some pictures as soon as I can. They are so cute out there playing away. lol. Sam does have a Sun burn but it's from where my mom took him and shelbie and my Niece and Nephew to my cousins pool to play. She forgot the sunscreen and Sam is sooo fair complected that he fried! Thank God Billy has some cooling spray that helps it. I haven't gotten brave enought to get in it yet. The water is Way to cool for me. *shiver!* But both kiddos are like little fish and shelbie is learning to swim! She's about got the doggy paddle down pat. Plus she loves putting sams goggles on and going under water. Sam is a little guppy! He's been swimming for years now. When he learned he just took off.
Tomorrow is my dentist appt. I'm Praying it's my last fillings. Please God. I'm dreading it sooo much. I'm gettting the Gas this time! I hated the lower teeth they did last time, it hurts! So they are doing top and bottom tomorrow on my left side and I want the gas! Yep i'm a Chicken! lol.