Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I get to Sub Friday. For Mrs.H in Kindergarten. I'm sooooo Glad. Money is So very very tight right now it's not even funny. I Have to work. Either they're going to have to start calling me more for school or i'm going to have to get a job somewhere. Maybe I can work during the Day somewhere and then this summer work during the afternoon-evenings? I'm trying to get this all figured out. It's Hard because we really don't have anyone who can take care of the kids if their sick or out of school. So I don't know What to do. working at the school is Perfect for me. I'd be out when the kids are etc.. but if I can't get enough calls then it won't work either. Arrggghh! It's a damn if you do and damn if you don't.
Billy figures that they won't go back to Regular 12 hour shifts till the first of the year. if they do at all. This just Sucks so bad!
I'm trying not to worry because I know that God will provide a way. He Always does.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Just to document for my records as usual. lol

AF started Yesterday Sept 21st. Yeah!!

But booo too because we're going out tonight with a bunch of people.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Me that is. I'm sick. and oh man I Hate it! It started Tuesday when I was working the election, I started Sneezing and sneezing. I figured it was from being in that super dusty election place. They hold it in our old community building and it's dirty and dusty. I figure this is allergies because the Allergy counts are through the roof. Then Tuesday night I kept on sneezing and my sinuses started clogging up. Yesterday was miserable. :( Sneezing and my nose is both stuffed up And running. Plus a bit of a cough. Please God don't let this mess go into my Chest. I want to get over this crud Very soon. Please.
We're supposed to go out with Billys 2 sisters and his brother and his "Friend" and a couple of my SILs friends for BIllys Oldest sisters B-day. She's never been to a bar or club so we're taking her the rounds! She'll love it. I just hope that I feel up to going. This morning after I got the kids on the bus I laid back down and dozed off and on for about 1 hour. It helped a little.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Getting Information

Billy came home last night stressed out yet again from work! I took one look at him and almost started crying. I hate to see him So unhappy about his job. I looked online last night at the Closest Tech school and Emailed them to have them send me some information about their night classes. Maybe if I can get him some info and some kind of ideas about Classes and Prices maybe he will decide to go to school and get a better job. I can't and Won't make him do it. But maybe if I can nudge him a bit? LOL I just want my Wonderful hubby to be happy

Friday, September 14, 2007


Well for some reason I kept having trouble logging on here to post. and then for some reason Bam it started working again today.
Not to much going on right now. The kids are both liking school more now that they are more used to it and in a routine. It's been a busy week though for me. Seems like everyday I've been running and doing stuff. Tuesday and Wed I mowed the church yard again. Probably for the last time this year. I Thank God for the extra money. Billys Check took a HUGE hit when they cut his hours. I'm trying to find ways to save money on groceries etc. But it's hard to feed our family of 4 on less then $70.00 a week. and that's with eatting beans some too. lol. It's So Expensive now a days to buy food and gas and everything else you Have to have. Forget any extras or special stuff to buy. And now that Billy is working Mon-Fri instead of 12 hour shifts he's having to buy a LOT more Gas. So that's a hit too. I'm just so Frustrated. Billy was so stressed out last night about his job. Things are so crappy there! He's been there 20 years and they took his seniority away from him! Just because he was moved to a new dept! So now if there are more lay offs back where he's at HE will be the first to go! It doesnt' matter that he's been at this Job Longer then Anyone back where he's at it's the fact that he's only been at this position for about 8 months n ow. It sucks! I tried to talk to him about finding a new job last night and he wouldn't even talk to me about it. He thinks that he's to old to start over at a new job. Umm he's only 39! lol. I have a cousin who works at the Gas company and has been trying to get Billy to apply there. I just Hate to see him so stressed out about this Shitty job!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Subbing Days. Information I need to keep

For mrs. Campbell
Oct 16th
November 28th
Jan 29th
Feb 28th

For Mrs. Whitehead

October 18th
November 29th
January 30th
Feb 29th


2 years gone by in The blink of an Eye

2 years. 2 Years ago today I found out that I was pregnant with Zach. I remember that day so vividly. My son was sick and I took him to walmart to get him some medicine and picked up a pregnancy test because AF was Really late. Not that being late for af is abnormal for me. But someting just told me to get one. I came home and took it and immedietly Freaked out! It was BFP. How did that happen? I mean I "Know" how it happened but how to me? It took us almost 6 years TTC Sam and then 2 ttc shelbie. Things like that just didn't come easy for us. and I was right. It wasn't easy. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I was so sick. I couldn't eat I was so sick to my stomach 24/7 and started losing weight. I just can't believe that it's been 2 years since then. 2 long hard years. I know that I was given the gift of Zachary for some reason. And I know that he was taken away from us for some reason too. That doesn't help to ease the sadness though. I miss him So much. Mommy Loves you So much baby

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

