Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

How Hard is it to say I'm Sorry?!!

my Usually wonderful husband was being an Ass last night! we went over to our friends house last night to cook out and spend time with them and their daughter. We had such a great time and I let billy drink and I drove home. Well we didn't get home last night until Well actually This Morning around 1;00 am. Both kids were exhausted and so was I. Billy was Well (Very Well) Lit and had fallen asleep on the bed as soon as we got home. I got Both kids in bed and ended up laying down w/ shelbie for a few minutes because she was to tired. She was just crying and whining so I laid down w/ her till she fell asleep. It took me Forever to get Billy wake enough to get up and change clothes for bed. Then he had it in his mind for a little " Action" *wink wink* and i'm like Hell No! I'm Exhausted. So he gets all Huffy and decides that he's going to go down to our Other friends house who lives right down the road from us to Pitch Horseshoes. Ummm What?! At 1:00 AM?! I told him that that was stupid and Why would he want to go down there now?! Just cause I didn't want to have Sex doens't mean you just automatically take off! He said that he'd been planning on going down there Anyway all day! This just Pissed me off Royally! And he told me to stop Being a Bitch. I told him that I have the Right to be a Bitch every once in awhile! He got ready and came to bed and I just laid there till I feel asleep. I HATE Fighting with him! we hardly ever fight and when we do I apologize. But he Never! Never apologizes to me! Ever! He complains all the time about not spending enough time with me & the kids and then Yesterday he has them for about 2 hours, comes home and then Leaves saying he'll be right back. and then comes back 4 hours later! I know he's not up to no good. I Totally trust Billy but he gets side tracked helping his friends or cousins or whoever and we get left out. He's working today and I didn't get to talk to him this morning before he left. I'm hoping adn Praying that he's in a good mood this afternoon. An Apology would be nice too. Yeah right. Not holding My breath on that one.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Church Camp. I miss my babies

Well my babies are at Church camp today. Well all week probably. I took them this morning and got them situated and had lunch with them. Then I left at 1:50. It took me till 3:05 till I got home! It's a Long drive. lol. Plus I had to stop on the way home at walmart. Outta dog food. Gotta feed those babies too. lol. The kids have been so excited for the last week about going to Church camp. I'm glad that they want to go so much. But i"m missing them So much right now :( I know they'll be fine because My mom/ Dad are there plus a bunch of my Aunts, uncles and cousins are there too. So they have a Lot of family around them. I'm So glad of that. But Still.. I miss them. :( This will be The longest they've been away from me other then When I was in the hospital. I'm going back down there Wednesday to spend the day. And that will give them the chance to come home with me if they want to. I kinda hope they do lol. But then i've got my first dentist appt Thursday so it might be easier if they Do stay at Church camp. But man.. I Miss them! The house is Sooo quiet right now. Way to quiet. I know I should enjoy this quiet while i can but still It's hard. It'll give me the chance at least to Shampoo the carpets tomorrow while Billy is at work too.
*Sigh* Did I mention that I miss my babies?!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Feeling Better

Since my post about depression and anxiety I feel so much better. After I wrote that post I just broke down and prayed and prayed. I told God that I can't handle this on my own and I needed him to take over. And he did. Praise God. The depression has lifted almost entirely! I did feel a tiny bit the other night but nothing to big. and the anxiety has lessoned so much too. I Praise God that this is so much better. I honestly thought I was going crazy.


Just to document AF started June 1st. Full force. spot started June 31st. Right on time! Yeah!! Now I just need to find some way to get it a Week Later. We're going on vacation the first of August.