Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Just a document. lol.
AF started today Jan 28th. yeah!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sick yet again

I'm so tired of this. I got sick Dec 18th. well the day before really lol. I went to the Dr Dec 18th. I had sinus infection plus chest congestion. Well with the wonderful antibotics I got better. yah! Then a few weeks ago I got sick again. Same crap. sinus junk and chest congestion. well I was feeling better then last night at work I started getting a sore throat. yep sick. again. Today my sinuses are clogged up and my throat hurts. :( I'm so tired of being sick. Shelbies got a runny nose and cough too but feeling pretty good otherwise. I just Unplugged the phone this morning so that the school couldn't get ahold of me. Bad of me I know but man I felt crappy. I even went back to bed for a few hours too. Felt a bit better afterward. We're "Supposed" to get some rain and possibly freezing rain tonight but heck the way the weather man screws the forecast up it'll probably be a nice night. lol. I WANT SOME SNOW!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Working mom

For the last 12 years i've had the title of Stay at home mom. I guess I still considered myself a sahm even though I was substitute teaching. I guess because it was only a few days a week if that. Then last weekend I started a new job. Just on Friday nights and weekends but still it's a job. lol.
This past week I subbed Tue, Wed, & fri and then worked at the store Fri night and today and tomorrow.
I'm no longer a sahm. :( It makes me sad in a way because it's the end of an era. lol.
And now I have to figure out how to get it all done. I used to have time here at home to do stuff. Laundry, dishes, etc... but now I have limited time. it's hard! I honestly didn't realize just how hard it was/is. How do I do this? Seriously!
Billy has offered to do things but he's so busy too that it's hard for Him to do much either.
Off topic- I got my first paycheck from the store. WHOOOOOO! It's was Great! More then i thought for sure. I asked my cousin who owns the store about it because I felt it was to much but she said if it was a mistake she'd eat it and for me not to worry about it. I cashed it and bought groceries with it etc. and was able to give Billy money for once LOL.. I really like this job so far. I pray it just gets better and better.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Well I finished my first weekend at my new job. Shuuuu. I'm glad that's over LOL Yesterday about kicked my ass though. I was the Only one at the front counter and I had a Big line of people and trying to take food orders, check people out and answer the phone. I about went nuts! But Thank God it slowed down a bit and I was able to sit down for a little bit. I think it's going to work out for us. Thank God for Billys mom & Dad. They were total God sends this weekend. They took care of the kids for us because I was working and Billy was helping his friend M work on his new house. I'll be sooo glad when they are done with that!
Back to the job lol. I was seriously thinking about quitting. I know I know I just started it. lol, but I miss my kids something fierce! I'm SO not used to being away from them on weekends. They've Always been with me or their daddy and he'd usually only take them places for a few hours and then bring them home. lol. He's a Total work-a-holic. but it's ok. I'm use to it. lol. So it was Really hard on me to have to have someone else take care of them. But Billys mom told me that she Really wants to help us out so that helped me so much. I Know she Loves having the kids over. It's so lonely for her just her and Dad. I Thank God for them so much. This coming weekend My parents will be watching the kids. Billy has to work all weekend so it's my parents turn with the rug rats. I'm so Thankful for them too. I get paid this coming friday. Wonder how much it'll be? God I really pray that it's alot.

Doesn't anyone love me no more :(

It's Really quiet around here. Don't no one love me no more? lol.

Friday, January 04, 2008

So tired.

I Subbed all day today for 2nd grade. Man that was a trial at first. a few of the kids decided to try my patience and see how far they could push me before I snapped. Well it didn't take long lol and they now know that Mrs. Shelly doens't play games! As much as i'm glad that I got to sub today I was Sooo glad it was over. On a great note though I got asked to sub 1/2 day in the afternoon next tuesday. But 2 people! the sect asked me first though. so i'm subbing 1/2 day in the office. I saw the Kindergarten teacher i've subbed for quiet a few times in the recent past after school and she said that she'd tried to get me for tuesday afternoon too. It made me feel so great because I know she's Really particular about who subs in her room. But she's an Awsome teacher and her kids in her class are sooo sweet! I'd sub for her Anytime! So at least i'm getting to work.
My first afternoon at the store was ok. Just o k. There is a lot to learn and i'm praying I catch on fast. I think i've got the cash register ok and i'm Praying i've got the credit card machine ok too but the Gas pump thing may kick my ass. I got to work with my cousins daughter and i'm soo glad! she's a doll and really sweet and funny. I hope this works out but if I start subbing a lot more then i'm going to quit the store. I can Not work 2 busy jobs.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Working tomorrow. X 2

Wow. I just got off the phone with the school. i'm subbing tomorrow for 2nd grade. Yeah!! But eekk too. lol. I start my new p/t job tomorrow @ 4:00pm. I get off from the school at 3:30 so i'll be pushing it to get to work on time.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dr appt

Just as a reminder to me. I have a Checkup with Dr. M Feburary 21st. @ 1:45
Suprised I could get in that fast. yeah.