Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, November 23, 2007

2 years gone by in The blink of an Eye

2 years since we lost Zachary. I don 't know why I expected anyone in my family to remember but no one did. Even Billy didn't say a word to me about him. Sad that no one feels like they can talk about him. or remembers. who knows.
I do know that I never forget, I still miss him so much.
I Love you Zach.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just documenting

AF Started November 21st.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Great news!

Boy i'll tell ya i'm Praising God right now. Things seem to be getting better around here. $$ wise. I'm getting to work a bit more which is So great! If I only sub the days that i'm supposed to so far I should have around a $300.00 check! All of that will go to Christmas shopping. Plus the Really great news is that Billyl is going Back on his regular 12 hour shifts tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooo HOOOO!
I'm Soo happy! That will mean he'll be back on the hours he loves Plus it'll be back to his regular pay. Thank God! What a wonderful blessing. Things have been So tight since his hours got cut and it's been so hard to make it each week. Last week we had about $16.00 to make it from Wednesday till Friday. Talk about stressful and Very hard to do. Thank God his paycheck was a Lot better this week due to him working last sunday. That helped so oo much. I've got a lot of my Christmas shopping done but still so much more to do. I've not gotten much for my kids yet and have to shop for my nieces and nephews. Yieks so much!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Vaction Planned Baby!

My wonderful friend S Emailed me today with our vacation plans for next summer. we're going to Daytona beach florida! I'm So freaking excited! We've never been anywhere like that before. Now I have to get started losing this weight so I can look H O T in a swimsuit!