Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well AF showed up on time again. Dang it! lol I need it to be later. This time was June 12th. I am praying so hard that it's a week later next month. If not then i'll be on af on our vacation! What a drag that will be.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Just yet another documention lol. AF started today. May 14th. I'm Still trying and tyring to get it to change or else i'm going to have AF when i'm on vacation in july :(

Saturday, April 12, 2008


just to document that AF started April 10th. yuck. Not what I wanted at all. I Need to change it back to the end of the month.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Things are going really well right now. Shelbies just getting over the Pink Eye. Poor girly was miserable. apparently according to the Dr it's been going around the school alot. So she got to miss 2 days of school. She's was Really happy about that. lol. B and I went to Ok the other day on my birthday. It was for his last dentist appt and I was so glad I got to go. It was so much fun to get to spend the day just me and him. We used to find some good deals over there but not this time. oh well it was still fun. :) AF came on March 8th. I need to use my progesterone cream again to try to get it at the last of the month again. My Annual check up is April 10th so if I don't change it i'll have to resch my appt Again! Hate those appts anyway lol but I know they are needed.
I finally got a day off and all to myself yesterday. It was so nice to have the entire house to myself all day. First day like that in over a month. I still like my jobs ok. They are wearing me down though keeping up with it all. And trying to make sure Someone can keep the kids for us. On B's days off he watches them so that is a Big help

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Fibro flare, No help and Exhausted!

I'm hurting so much right now. I'm in yet another Fibromylgia flare up. Plus i'm working so much that i'm exhausted. I'm working 5 days a week at the store Plus working at the school. The sect asked me today if i'd work tomorrow And next wed too. I tured her down for both. I'm off tomorrow and then Thursday i've got my yearly check up. yah. not! loll. All us women know what fun those are. lol. Just praying that Everything is Ok and normal and healthy. please God. I'm working Full day Friday for kindergarten again and the that afternoon at the store. Sat, sun and monday at the store then Tuesday at school. Off wed then Thursday Friday at school again. I'm so tired. my house looks like Shit! Billy is helping out some but not Nearly enough to really help. But I hate to say much to him. I kn ow i'm a wimp. He was laid off work last week and then This week too! It sucks So much! Thank God for unemployment $$ And for our tax refund. Or we'd be in trouble. I do love my job at the store but man i'm needing a break so much. Just a day or two to just veg out here at home.
Both kids are fighting right now. Over Stupid stuff! I'm about to go Nuts!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tagged by Jenn

R- Rowdy

A- Allergic LOL

C- Crazy

H- Hopeful

E- Easy LOL

L- Lazy at times

L- Loud when i'm getting after my kids. :)


Monday, January 28, 2008


Just a document. lol.
AF started today Jan 28th. yeah!!